
The Grace We Need

What is it about grace that is so amazing? It is foreign to all other world religions. James tells us that it is only for those who are humble. We learn from Scripture that grace is unmerited, it is unlimited and it is unfathomable. James has a word of caution, though. Those who would be proud don’t receive grace. Instead, they receive God’s opposition. He is opposed to them. To receive His grace we must submit to Him in every area of our lives. Have you received His grace for salvation?


Getting Into the Spirit of Things

Scholars contend that James 4:5 is one of the most difficult passages to interpret. What “Scriptures” is he referring to? Is it the quote in the next passage? Is it a general principle taught in the Old Testament? Is it some unrecorded saying of Jesus? Is it two sentences or one? Is the reference to the “spirit” referring to man’s spirit given to him at creation or is it the Holy Spirit? James is calling his audience back to a personal relationship with God one that is faithful rather than committing spiritual adultery. If it is man’s spirit, the author wants us to give up a love for the world and all it offers to love God alone. If it is the Holy Spirit, the author sees the jealous nature of God calling us back to worship and love God alone. Whether it is man’s spirit or God’s Spirit, it is a call to consider our affections and make sure they are God centered. In the message we see that Scripture teaches us and that the Spirit transforms us. Both move us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.


Are You Making This World Your Home?

James opening words of this passage are difficult to hear. I’m sure it got their attention. In essence, he was claiming that they had been unfaithful to God in some way. Something in the world had attracted them away from their love of God. They had been like an unfaithful spouse, cheating on God, loving something else more than God. How about you? Is there a worldliness about you that brings into question your devotion to God? Are you making this world your home?


The Cause of Conflict and Its Cure

They happen all the time and at times even to us. No matter where you go around the world, it happens like schools, businesses, at stores, in families and marriages, sporting events, government and even in churches and among Christians. No place or person is immune. James points out that the source of quarrels and fighting is what is inside us. He says it’s the desires within us. Wrong desires lead us to ask for wrong things. We do so out of selfishness. Is there a cure for quarreling and fighting? I believe there is. Listen in and consider the solution.


The Greatness of a Nation

There can be a lot of debate about what makes a nation great. Some would consider military might or its economic prosperity. Others might consider educational prowess or some other aspect of nationalism. Proverbs 14:34 provides another perspective on what makes a nation great. He writes that “righteousness exalts a nation”, that righteousness is what makes a nation great. On the other hand, sin brings disgrace and shame to that nation who chooses to live apart from God. On this, our 245th birthday as a nation, are we a righteous nation or a nation that is shamed? It is time for the people of God to become serious about His holiness and repent so that He can heal our land (II Chronicles 7:14).


The Wisdom of Making Peace

As believers, we are called to be peacemakers. Scripture is clear that it isn’t up to the other person, it’s up to each of us to seek for peace. Being a peacemaker is part of the path of pursuing godly wisdom. Whether or not we are a peacemaker depends on whether we are walking in the Spirit of God living according to the new nature of if we are following the old nature. The kinds of actions and attitudes that James outlines in verses 13-16 show us that those characteristics do not instill peace. There end is chaos. The result of peacemaking is righteousness and it sows more righteousness both in yourself and in the person with whom you are making peace with. But not every peace making endeavor will result in peace. Some will want to maintain the tension. We are to do what we can to pursue peace. We can’t make someone be at peace with us. If you pursue peace and the other refuses to accept your efforts, you have done your part, but continue to be forgiving and loving keeping the door open for that person to join you in peace. As you consider your various relationships, is there anyone with whom you need to be a peacemaker?


Jesus – Submission


Jesus’s Favorite Food

Do you have a favorite food? Perhaps it’s pizza, steak, tacos, or a juicy water melon? Did you know that Jesus had a favorite food? Elias Abdi, missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship serving in the Lansing area, took us through John 4 to show us what is the favorite food of Jesus. It says there that His favorite food is to do the will of the Father. Doing the will of the Father was to look at the harvest field and then share the gospel to those around Him. It was a compelling challenge to each of us to ask if doing God’s will of considering the harvest is our favorite food.


Wisdom From Above

In today’s message we consider the characteristics James describes as evident in the life of the person with wisdom from above. When you contrast wisdom from the world that stems from man’s flawed thinking and wisdom from above that comes from a perfect God, which would you rather have? Which are you pursuing? We may desire wisdom from above, but what are we doing to obtain it?


Two Kinds of Wisdom

James addresses another concern with his audience. It’s the issue of wisdom. He cites two kinds, true or godly wisdom that is from above and worldly or false wisdom. He poses a question for us to consider: who has wisdom. He provides some characteristics of true wisdom and then characteristics of false wisdom. Which do you have? Which do you want?