
Our Calling

07 30 I Peter 3:8 Our Calling How we are to live with each other in community as Christians as a testimony to a watching world that is hostile to believers? Peter presents us with five virtues that generate actions demonstrating our faith in Christ.  It’s our calling as Christians.  Maybe it’s time for an attitude check. 


Taking the Right Path

07 23 I Peter 3:7  Prayer.  It’s such a wonderful opportunity to connect with God as we bring requests to Him.  But they can be hindered if they we do not treat our wives with consideration and respect.  Peter gives us husbands advice on how to treat our wives if we would have our prayers answered.  The application is for everyone.  We all have a responsibility to treat others in the same way.  Our prayers could be hindered in the same way unless we follow this admonition. 


What’s A Wife To Do?

07 16 I Peter 3:1-6 Our topic today isn’t a very popular one.  I believe that this area of submission is misunderstood.  Humility is certainly necessary for it to happen.  Peter lays some solid groundwork regarding what should happen and the reason why for the home where the wife is a Christian and the husband is not.  Take a look and see if you won’t agree that goal is worth it in the long run – eternally speaking.  But regardless, the godly character we should display is worth all our attention and application.  But here from the text, what’s a wife to do?


Now That You Mention It

07 09 I Peter 2.22-25 In the previous weeks we have considered the command Peter has given that we are to submit to various authorities.  In this week’s message Peter gives us an example of how to submit to authority even when it is difficult and results in suffering intensely.  Jesus is our example.  We are reminded of the kind of suffering He endured for us.  Through His example we should be encouraged.  Be encouraged by the sinless Christ, by the suffering Christ, and by the shepherding Christ.


But You Don’t Know My Boss

07 02 I Peter 2:18-21 Do you like your boss?  Do you like your job?  They seem to go hand in hand.  Peter provides some advice on how we are to respond to our boss and sets an example for us to follow.  It’s a compelling reason why we should submit to him or her.



What To Do?

06 25 I Peter 2:13-17 Peter lays the groundwork for us in regard to how we are submit to authority including the authority we are to submit to and the reason why.  Consider those who are in authority over you and ask if you are obeying this command.  We might be surprised.  If we aren’t submitting to those in authority over us then we are not submitting to God who placed them in that position. 


Conflict Resolution

06 18 I Peter 2:11-12 Peter begins with this passage to address how Christians are to live as an example before non-believers.  He reminds us that we are just passing through to our heavenly home, but while here we have a responsibility to evangelize through our godly character.  What kind of godly example are we giving to others.


The Other Side

Mr. Randy Chamberlain takes a look at the familiar episode of the Good Samaritan and discusses the other side.  Are we more prone to be like those who took a look and then passed on by the other side or are we like the Samaritan, though inconvenienced, saw a need and assisted in the well-being of a stranger?  Which side will you travel?


Our Identity in Christ

06 04 I Peter 2:9-10 There is a lot of confusion today about identity.  Who am I?  What is my purpose?  Peter answers those questions for us in our passage.  The end result of understanding who we are and how we came to be who we are should be a motivator to godly living all for the purpose of proclaiming the excellencies or praise of God.


Construction Zone Ahead

05 28 I Peter 2:4-8 Just like a construction project we, as Christians, are under construction.  We are being built into a spiritual house in order to be a royal priesthood so that we can offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God.  The foundation on which we are built is Jesus Christ as our cornerstone.  Those who reject Him stumble because of Him.  Their stumbling over Him will result in their own downfall.  On which foundation are you building on?  If it’s on the foundation of Christ, is your service acceptable to Him as a sacrifice?