
Let’s Eat

05 21 I Peter 2:2-3 What is it you crave?  Peter exhorts us to crave pure spiritual milk.  How hungry are you to spend time in God’s Word?  We should have an insatiable desire, a longing for it that never diminishes.  From it we grow up in respect to our salvation as we taste the goodness of God so that we desire more until we see Christ when the culmination or salvation is realized.  Thirst after God’s Word as a deer thirsts for the water brook.


Thrown Them Off

05 14 I Peter 2:1 Encouraging believers in the previous chapter to live a holy life and love others sincerely, Peter now mentions several sins that we are to throw off.  They should not be part of the Christian’s character.  Their presence disrupts unity in the church.  We are to get rid of them.



05 07 I Peter 1:23-25 We find in today’s message that the Word of God saves.  The gospel – Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again – is the power of God to salvation for all who believe.  The Word of God endures and is living and is the message we are to proclaim to the world.


Love Always

04 30 I Peter 1.22 Love always.  That’s the general theme of Peter’s exhortation to do so sincerely and fervently.  Our love for each other in the body of Christ is a testimony to a watching and wondering world.  What kind of love are we showing each other?  There are plenty of opportunities.  May it be said of us: see how they love one another.


Setting Us Free

04 16 I Peter 1.17-21  As we celebrate Easter we once again realize that Christ’s sacrifice was essential to set us free.  From Ranger Joe’s catalogue comes an intriguing message for Easter not intended for Easter but with a message that certainly has the underpinnings of an Easter message.  “There is something reassuring about a man who will willingly descend from the heavens solely for the purpose of setting others free.”  That was Christ.  He came to set us free.


One Among the Crowd

04 09 John 12:12-43 Since Jesus walked the earth, opinions about Him have not changed.  The passage considered takes a look at the many responses to Jesus taken from the crowd gathered around Him during His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  As you consider Jesus, what is your response?



Conviction or Compromise Part 2

03 26 I Peter 1:15-16 What does it mean to be holy as God is holy?  Is that even possible?  We follow up last week’s message where we considered guiding attitudes and guarding actions by looking at verses 15-16 and noting godly aspirations.  We see it in God’s call, God’s command, and God’s character.  Join us on a journey to become holy as God is holy in all we do.


Conviction or Compromise

03 19 I Peter 1:13-14 In light of what these believers have been told about their salvation and their awaiting inheritance what do they do now with what they know?  These next verses offer five exhortations for the believer.  Today we look at guiding attitudes and guarding actions.  Next week we will consider godly aspirations.  They help us know how to stand firm in times of trials.


Now and Then

03 05 I Peter 1.8-9 What are marks of a Christian?  To encourage the believers in Asia Minor, Peter reveals some marks of a Christian.  They love Christ, they believe in Christ, they rejoice in Christ, and they long for Christ.  These can help bolster a feeble faith.  When it comes to loving Christ, they love Christ passionately and they love people purposefully.  They also look forward with confidence to the return of Christ.


Refining Faith

02 26 I Peter 1.6-7 Peter encourages these believers in Asia Minor with some important reminders regarding their faith.  Faith is persecuted.  Faith is precious.  Faith is praised.  Our faith is strengthened through trials.  Even though there may be many different kinds, they are only temporary.  Instead of focusing on the trial, focus on the inheritance that is secure in heaven waiting for the believer.