
A Powerful Promise That is Protected

02 19 I Peter 1:5  Is the power of God able to keep you?  Can you trust that the inheritance promised is safe?  Does it encourage you to know your salvation is secure?


Hope That is Ours

02 12 I Peter 1.3-4 In what do you find hope?  The Bible gives us a clear answer as to where our hope comes from.  Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ we have hope in an inheritance that is ours reserved for us.  Is that your hope today?


God’s Presence, Our Peace

02 05 I Peter 1:2 Peace, God’s peace.  What does that look like?  Along with grace, Peter wants his audience to experience peace in abundance.  If Jesus wants us to take courage in the middle our storms and He is with us all the time, why do we doubt?  Why are we anxious?  Why do we fear?  Peace comes through absolute trust in the Lord at all times, even in our storms.  When God is present, He gives His peace.  Will you let Him give you His peace today?


Grace Enough for Now

01 29 I Peter 1.2 The grace of God is sufficient for all we need or encounter each day, every day.  Are you resting in His grace?



His Blood, Our Obedience

01 22 I Peter 1:2 Why is the blood of Christ necessary?  We consider that in respect to our obedience and His blood.


Sanctified by the Spirit

01 15 I Peter 1:2 We find in our text today that the Spirit sanctifies us.  That initial work begins instantaneously at the moment of salvation and then continues until the day of Christ or the at the moment of our last breath.  It is in one sense positional so that at the moment of our faith He applies the righteousness of Christ to the believer so that God sees that new creation as holy.  In another sense, it is progressive in that, according to Philippians 1:6, He continues that work of making us in practice what we are as seen by God in position.  Even though I wasn’t very good in 7th grade at basketball I was on the team and given a place on the roster with a jersey.  There was a lot of room for improvement.  Each year I improved my skills.  When I place my faith in Christ I am considered “on the team” yet there is a lot of room for improvement to become more like Christ in character.  The Holy Spirit puts me on the team and then works in me to help me improve. Two questions are outstanding.  Are you on God’s team through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and are you then improving in your character to be more like Christ?  The Holy Spirit does both.  Let the Holy Spirit do both.


Elect by God’s Grace

01-08 I Peter 1:1-2 Is there any choice in our salvation?  From election to free will, God has somehow reconciled them in His mind.  At the end of the day, salvation is by grace through faith. 


Peter, the Apostle of Hope

01-01 I Peter 1:1 We are embarking on a study of Peter’s letters to the scattered churches in Asia minor (modern Turkey).  Persecution is nothing new to the church and Peter writes to encourage believers of all ages that there is hope found in Christ.  This introductory message considers the author, the authority, and the audience of this letter.  It ends with an application for believers today.  As we journey through this letter my prayer is that we will find hope in Christ.


God’s Unbelievable Gift

12-25-16 II Corinthians 9:15 God has given to us an amazing gift in and through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.  In Him is the hope of eternity, the one in whom we place our trust as the God-Man who came to seek and save the lost.  He truly is an indescribable, unbelievable gift.  Have you accepted this gift for eternal life?

(We apologize that there is no audio for this message.  Please refer to the notes posted above.)


A Lifelong Journey

12-18-16-matthew-2-1-12 What lessons can we learn about the faith of the Wise men?  The obvious is that wise men still seek Christ.  They show us what it is to worship with bowed heads, bowed hearts, and bowed hands.  They also show us God’s incredible love for Gentiles that they would be included in the Christmas story.  Jesus is the Savior for all who believe in Him.