
Without Jesus’ Humanity There is No Christmas

12-11-16 John 1:6-14 The humanity of Jesus is as essential to our salvation as is His deity.  If was not completely human He could not have died for our sin.  If He was not completely God His death would have had no effect on sin.  Jesus was completely God and man at the same time.  “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  He is the One who came to save His people from their sin.  Sadly though, many choose to live in darkness rather than accept the light.  But the great news is that those who believe and receive are granted the right to become God’s children.  Are you His child?


Without Deity There is No Christmas

12-04-16 John 1:1-5 The deity of Jesus is an essential truth for the foundation of Christianity and for the purpose of Christmas.  Scripture provides evidence for the deity of Jesus and then shows us the importance of His deity.  If He was not Emmanuel, God with us, there is no Savior of the world and we are still lost in our sin.  Jesus had to be God, otherwise there is no Christmas.


Unending Thanksgiving

11-27-16 Psalm 136:1-26 The psalmist reminds us that we have much to give thanks to the Lord.  He reminds us of the key to our thanksgiving.  Because God’s love endures forever.  We give thanks because of His character, His creation, His conduct and His care.  Pause each day to remember that His love endures forever and then give Him thanks.


Reasons to Give Thanks

11-20 Psalm 103:1-22 How many reasons do you have to give thanks?  The Psalmist adds some thought to the discussion giving us ample opportunity to give thanks to the Lord.  Let’s give the Lord all the glory and thanksgiving that He is worthy of.

(Our apologies.  There is no audio for this message.)


Our Response to Government

11-13 Romans 13:1-8 Now that the election is over and we begin the transition to a new presidency over the next couple of months how are we to respond as Christians?  Over the past week we have seen various demonstrations resulting in anger, resentment, fear, and destruction.  The Bible and our passage provide us with some clear direction in how we as Christians are to respond to those in leadership.  The key is to remember that they are put in office by the will of God.  He put them there whether we agree with their position or policies or practices.  Our passage tells us how we are to respond no matter who is in office.


Praying For Our Leaders

11-06 I Timothy 2:1-8 Paul provides a sound argument for our need to pray for the leaders of our nation, any nation.  That there might be peace with the ability to live godly life, that the gospel might continue to be proclaimed and that leaders may come to know Christ.  Together let’s make a list of our local, state, and federal leaders and begin to pray for them regularly.  It may well lead to another great awakening.

(Our apologies.  There is no audio for this message.) 


A Nation in Need

10-30 Proverbs 14:34 Our passage shows us two opposing nations and the result when a nation is righteous and when a nation is a reproach.  Our nation is in need of a return to righteousness.  Our nation is in desperate need of prayer.



Woodlawn is a true story about a high school football team in Birmingham, Alabama during the early days of integration.  A chaplain gave a pep talk to the team sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and all but 3 players trusted Christ.  Eventually the head coach also was saved.  It’s a story about Tony Anthony and his journey along with the team as that meeting not galvanized the team, but impacted the entire school including their cross-town rival.

The movie will start at 6:30 p.m.  Snacks will be provided.  Whether you enjoy football or not, this is a great inspiring movie for the whole family.


A Fast Prayer

10-16 Daniel 9:1-19 The focus of this message is a call for Christians to pray for our nation using the prayer of Daniel as a model.  Daniel was deeply troubled by the vision he saw in chapter 8 and he set about to find an answer through the study of God’s Word and prayer.  He spent time fasting.  Leading up to the election, this is a call for us to unite in prayer and if possible, include fasting as a means of calling on God’s mercy and forgiveness to restore our land.


How to Pray for Missionaries

The Apostle Paul provides some great guidance in how we can pray for missionaries.  John Pierce, missionary with New Tribes Mission shares practical ways to pray for those who serve on the mission field, whether in a foreign land or serving at the mission headquarters.  Take some time to listen and learn how you can pray specifically for missionaries.