
Honor One Another

05 01 Romans 12. 10b  In a culture that is absorbed with self-elevation, it’s difficult to play second fiddle, but that’s exactly what our one another admonition tells us to do.  It says we aren’t just to honor others, but we are to lead the way in honoring them, putting them first.  Jesus is our model of course in what it means to honor others as He went to the cross.  Who will you honor this week?


Be Devoted to One Another

04 24 Romans 12.9a 10a In a world of dysfunctional families, the church is called to be desirable, a place where we delight in one another, to treat each other with great family affection.  The Bible provides insight into what this kind of family affection should look like.  Explore with us what it means to be devoted to one another.


Love One Another

04 17 John 13.34-35 Scripture lays the groundwork for how we are to treat one another in the body of Christ.  The foundational character trait and the bond between them is to love one another.  In this message we consider the way of love, the work of love and the witness of love.  More than our doctrinal position, the first witness and a lasting appeal to a world without Christ is how they see we love one another.  It’s not only a command, it’s a lifelong commitment.


Be Members of One Another

04 10 Romans 12.3-6a In our new series we are looking at how we are to interact with one another.  Today we consider what it means to be members of one another  Simply put we have a responsibility toward each other.  We each have a function to fulfill in the body of Christ.  The question is, are we doing what God has called us to do or are we content to sit on the side lines.  Where do you fit in and are we content to be in the place or position of the body where God has placed us?


God’s People for God’s Plan

04 03 Ephesians 4.11-16 Certain gifts were given to the church by Christ.  What were those gifts and why were they given?  Explore our passage and discover their purpose and decide how we are doing.  It’s a wonderful passage to assess or determine how we are doing in our individual walk with Christ.

(Our apologies as there is no audio for this message.  Use the notes attached.)


Because He Lives

03 27 I Corinthians 15.1-23, 51-58 What if the resurrection of Jesus never took place?  Place provides credible evidence for it through the testimony of the Word and eye witnesses.  Then he lays out a logical sequence of ramifications if the resurrection never did occur.  Find out what they are in today’s message.




The Right Person

03 20 16 John 12.12-19 Is it possible that the original March madness happened about 2000 years ago when Jesus rode into Jerusalem through the fevered excitement of the crowd welcoming their Messiah?  In this message we’ll explore several questions.  Was Jesus the right person?  Did He fulfill the right prophecy?  Did He receive the right praise?  From it we each need to ask the right question: has Jesus ridden into our heart to rule as king over our lives?


Jesus Left – Now What?

03 13 Luke 24.50-53 We discover in today’s message what Jesus is up to since He left some 2000 years ago.  The response of the disciples is much different when He leaves than when He told them He was leaving.  Before they had been filled with fear, doubt and discouragement.  Now they are filled with joy and worship.  With a renewed sense of purpose they returned to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit who would empower them to proclaim the good news.  They worshipped and they witnessed.  We are to do the same as we wait for Him to return in the same way He left.


Can I Get A Witness?

03 06 Luke 24.36-49 For over 2000 years the message, mission, and means for the disciples to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ has not changed.  We still have the same message of salvation through Christ.  We still have the same mission of proclaiming that good news to the world.  We still have the same means of proclaiming that good news through the power of the Holy Spirit.  We have work to do.  The time is short and once we are in heaven we will have no more opportunity to proclaim that truth to others.  We only have the here and now. 


Do You Have Heart?

02 28 Luke 24.13-35 What kind of heart do you have?  Two disciples traveling to their homes from Jerusalem to Emmaus, were saddened by the events of the past several days because the person they thought was the Messiah had died by crucifixion.  Jesus came alongside them as they traveled and talked with Him.  They were in some way prevented from seeing Jesus.  As He expounded the Old Testament taking them to various passages that portrayed the Messiah and that He had to suffer led to a burning in their heart to know more.  Even though Jesus was right there with them they still did not see Jesus.  How often do we through a day and miss seeing Jesus.  When their eyes and ears were opened they saw Jesus for who He is.  Had they never opened the door and invited Jesus in they would have missed Him altogether.  Over joyed by seeing Jesus alive they returned to Jerusalem to tell the goods news to the disciples.  They went from a troubled heart to a triumphant heart.  Why?  They had an open book.  They had an open door.  They had an open heart.  They had an open witness.  How is your heart today?  Do you see Jesus?