
An Offering of Praise

12 06 15 Luke 1.46-55 What can we learn from Mary about praise?  Her song inspires us to know the God of our praise, the grounds of our praise, and the generations of those who praise.  Her song stems from and filled with an intimate knowledge of God’s Word, His Works, and His ways.  As we enter the Christmas season, let’s once again focus our attention on God who is worthy of praise for sending His Son to be born through us, to live among us, to die for us, and to dwell in us.  Let’s give praise to God.


The Widow’s Might

11 29 Luke 21.1-4 The observation Jesus made about the widow provides some valuable insight into our own giving.  First, we see that Jesus observed all that gave and all that they gave.  He watches us when we give and He knows the motivation of the heart.  Second, He knows all that we withhold as well.  Scripture provides timeless insight into how we should give from II Corinthians 8:1-15 and 9:6-7.  These passages remind us of some important principles as we give to the Lord.  A gift to the Lord is truly a gift when it is given freely, fully, faithfully and by faith as we trust the Lord to provide what we need.  The Macedonian church is an example in giving in that they first gave of themselves to the Lord.  We cannot give our all if we have not first given ourselves to Him.


Who Is The Christ

11 22 Luke 20.41-47 There is no greater question than the one that Jesus asks the Scribes in this passage.  The answer will determine our destiny.  Who is the Christ?  Yet it isn’t just enough to know His identity, we must also accept Him as Savior into our life by faith.  Jesus concluded the chapter with a warning to the disciples about the religious leaders who led people away from the truth about Him.  As you reflect on Christ, who is He to you?


Our Resurrection: A Ruse or Real?

11 15 Luke 20.27-40 Do you believe in the resurrection?  The Sadducees didn’t, but they had a question for Jesus about it.  Jesus spoke both from the practical nature of the resurrection and a biblical reality affirmed throughout the Bible.  It is something to take place in the future.  Passages in I Corinthians and I Thessalonians speak of its possibility, its promise, its people and its purpose.  All of this made possible because of the power of Christ in His own resurrection.  Are you ready?


A Question About Jesus’ Authority

11 01 Luke 20.20-26 Once again Jesus is questioned this time by spies sent by the religious leaders in an attempt to find something for which they can arrest Him and hand Him over to Pilate for an infraction against the Roman government.  The spies ask Jesus a question as to whether or not it is lawful to pay taxes (as a Jew) to Rome.  Side with Rome that they should pay taxes and the people will be against Him because they hated Rome.  Side with the people and tell them the (OT) law did not require them to pay taxes because they belonged to God and Rome would be after Him for insurrection.  In the response Jesus gives there are two important points He makes.  Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.  We have an obligation to both the government and to God.  To the government we are to pay, obey, and pray.  To God we owe Him our lives as a living sacrifice. 


A Warning

10 25 Luke 20.9-19 In response to the question raised by the religious leaders regarding His authority and where it came from, Jesus tells a parable about a landowner who rented out his property.  At harvest time he sent one servant after another to receive his payment.  They were rejected and beaten.  The owner sent his son, who was killed.  The truth about Jesus was given and the religious leaders chose to reject it and in essence reject the Messiah.  What will you do with the truth?  There are only two options with two subsequent results.


And In This Corner

10 18 Luke 20.1-8 Nearing the end of His life before the crucifixion just after the Triumphal entry and the cleansing of the Temple as Jesus was teaching in the courtyard there, He was confronted by the religious leaders who questioned His authority.  It wasn’t because they wanted a better understanding of who He was.  He had already told them.  They simply did not accept the truth He taught regarding Himself.  No amount of additional instruction was going to change their mind about Him.  How about you?  Are you convinced that Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior, the One who died for our sins, the One in whom when we confess and believe in Him for salvation are given eternal life?


Standing Firm

In an age when we are challenged by so many factors that want to derail our faith, the strength and courage to stand firm in the face of obstacles is seen clearly in I Corinthians 15:58.  Lars Carlson from Youth Haven Ranch shares a timely message.


Cleaning Up Your Act

10 04 Luke 19.45-48 Jesus had a specific purpose in clearing out the Temple.  While worship was going on people were using it for business.  He wanted to bring them back into a right relationship with God.  I Corinthians 3 and 6 remind us that we are the Temple of God.  How are we taking care of His temple?  Does it need some cleaning.  When we neglect the Word of God it is easy to neglect the Temple of God.


Encouragement for Life

There isn’t a one of us that doesn’t need a little encouragement from time to time.  Yes, some more than others and some more often than others.  We all go through times of testing and struggle where we wonder what next, why me, how come, when will it end.  Psalm 23 is one of those Psalms of encouragement that reminds us of God’s presence and provision in such times.  Did I mention it’s always?  Missionary with New Tribes Mission, Mark Fleming, takes us through a journey of the Good Shepherd’s walk with us while we journey this life as a way of encouragement.