
Serving Up Humble Pie

04 26 Luke 14.1-14 Jesus uses a parable to teach the religious who had set a trap for Him on the Sabbath that their self-righteousness would not bring favor with God for them to receive places of honor in heaven.  Instead they would be humbled.  We can only come to Christ in humility as we recognize that we have nothing in ourselves that would merit eternal life.  It is only and always has been about Christ. 


Putting Out the Welcome Mat

04 19 Luke 13.31-35 Once again Jesus is confronted with someone seeking His life.  Though He did not take it lightly, He was unconcerned knowing that His destiny and death would be in Jerusalem.  He rested confidently in the will of God, a will He was committed to.  The sovereignty of God is evident here and should encourage us that nothing will happen to us outside the will of God.  With that in mind there is nothing to fear.  We also see in this passage that the compassion of Christ is clear and for those who reject Him, His condemnation is just.  The good news is that His coming is soon.  Are you ready?  Don’t be like those who were unwilling to receive Him, who didn’t want Him.


Ladies Day at Youth Haven Ranch

 Michigan Ladies’ Days – Saturday, May 2, 2015 at the Michigan Ranch

Do you ever feel like there isn’t a whole  lot of laughing and loving  going on in the life you’re living? Maybe you feel defeated.  Overwhelmed.  Frantically busy. Our prayer is that this day will refresh  you and help you restore the laughter and love that might be missing  from your life.  You will be encouraged, challenged and empowered with  the truth that God is faithful,  He cannot lie, He always keeps His  promises, and He is enough  for every area of your life!  Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., with our program from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.  Tickets are just $25 each  and include a continental breakfast and a delicious lunch!  – See more at:


As Obedient Children

Walk through this passage on a journey to discover how God’s children are to live.  We are called to live obedient lives before God which translates into living a holy life.  Are you?


Recognizing the Resurrected Christ

04 05 15 Luke 24.13-35 There are a lot of misconceptions today about the person of Jesus.  Barna research shows some trends, especially among the younger adult generation that Jesus was just a man, he sinned, he was not God.  Even with the claims of Scripture people are not able to recognize Him.  But then, we read in this passage that even in Jesus’ day many did not recognize, even though He walked among them and even though they had for centuries clear evidence from the Scriptures.  Who He is as recording in Scripture is essential to our salvation and the reason we celebrate Easter.  He is alive!  Do you know Him?


Hardhearted or Heaven Bound?

03 29 John 12.37-50 It’s hard to believe that anyone could not believe in the Messiah after many convincing miracles, yet our text tells us that there were those who chose not to believe.  Prophecy indicates that because they would not believe so that God made it so they could not believe.  They had chosen for so long to ignore the truth, that God judged them for their disbelief.  Jesus is who He claims to be and the text concludes with Jesus confirming His deity, the relationship He had with God the Father.  Consequently to believe in Him is to be saved.  To reject Him is to be judged and condemned.  It’s our choice to remain hardhearted or heaven bound.  There is a promise for those who believe.  There is the promise of salvation, there is the promise of sealing, and there is the promise of security.


An Open Door – For Now

03 22 Luke 13.22-30 Jesus, the master story teller, tells yet another story to answer the question someone asked about how many would be saved.  His answer is illustrated for us through the story of an open door, a door that is narrow, but a door that the owner shut.  Many people tried to get in but couldn’t because the owner had shut the door and wouldn’t be opened again.  The point Jesus was making wasn’t to say how many would be saved, the point of the illustration is for each person to ask if he or she is saved.  Do you know for sure you have gone through the narrow door?  That door is Jesus and it’s in the shape of a cross.  The old hymn tells it like this: the way of the cross leads home.  If you aren’t sure today, know this – God loves you and made a way through the door through His Son, Jesus.  He died so that we can enter, but the door won’t always remain open.  Know today that you are saved.


An Active Kingdom

03 15 Luke 13. 18-21 What does an active kingdom of God look like?  The two parables Jesus uses helps to illustrate the appearance of the kingdom, that it is growing, and the advancement of the kingdom, that it should permeate the culture and have an influence in it for Christ.  To influence the world, we need to be actively engaged modeling the character of Christ.  We are to influence the world, not the other way around.


Your Sabbath Rest

03 08 Luke 13.10-17 Jesus called a woman to heal her of an infirmity she had for 18 years.  We have the infirmity of sin from which Jesus bids us to come to Him to heal us of.  He did it on the Sabbath and longs to give us a Sabbath rest from sin.

(Our apologies, there is no audio with this message.)


A Temple, A Tower, and A Tree

03 01 Luke 13.1-9  Life is filled with tragedy.  Jesus instructs from two tragedies and then illustrates from one.  The greatest tragedy though is the tragedy of the person who will not repent.  Tragedy even happens to Christians.  Why?  Read or listen and find out.