
Ready or Not Here I Come

02 22 Luke 12.35-59 When we know someone is coming to visit, we do all we can to prepare ahead of time before their arrival.  We want everything to be as neat and presentable as possible.  Sometimes we start days before their coming to get everything done.  Why is it that so many people think they can wait until the very last possible moment to prepare for the Lord’s return.  In our passage today Jesus uses a series of stories to exhort us to readiness because we don’t know when He will return.  We prepare for His arrival by being saved and then by being sanctified – each day becoming more like the Lord in our character.  Are you ready?  He is coming – what if it were today?


A Worthy Pursuit

02 15 Luke 12 13-34 There are really only two pursuits in life: earthly and eternal.  Jesus is asked to arbitrate in a dispute between two brothers over inheritance.  If they had looked at the Law it would have been very evident what they were to do.  Instead of addressing the issue of inheritance, Jesus proceeded to get at the real heart of the matter and talk about two besetting sins: avarice (greed) and anxiety.  If we pursue after things, it naturally leads to anxiety.  Jesus then reminds us of two important truths.  Seek first the kingdom of God and where our treasure is that is where our heart will also be.  The best pursuit is to seek after the Lord because He knows what we need and will provide if for us.  What are you pursuing today?


Pardon For Sin and a Peace That Endureth

02 08 Luke 12.1-12 – Jesus begins to teach the disciples more urgently in order to prepare them for what was ahead.  They could expect persecution and they needed to be ready.  Most importantly, they needed to be prepared for heaven.  He is the only way.  Are you ready?

(We apologize that there is no audio for this message.)


Hypocrisy Unveiled

02 01 Luke 11.37-54 Jesus minced no words when it came to the religious establishment, yet what He said, while true, was meant more than just condemnation.  It was a call for conviction and change in the heart.  We should take heed to Jesus’ words in this passage otherwise we might just be a hypocrite if…


A Miracle and a Message

01 25 Luke 11.14-36 Jesus always had a purpose for the things He did.  In this case casting out the demon from a man led to teaching that He has power over them and that through His very presence He was bringing people out of bondage to the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light..  The point is to hear and obey the word especially when it comes to knowing which side you are on. 


Following the Blueprint for Prayer

01 18 Luke 11.1-13 Jesus is asked by a disciple to teach them to pray.  Jesus then unfolds a blueprint to follow.  In it we acknowledge who God is and our relationship to Him.  We also find that as we pray we should ensure a right relationship with Him and with others.  To whom and for what are we praying?  God is a loving and benevolent Father who desires to give us what is for our good and for His glory.


A Tale of Two Sisters

01 11 Luke 10.38-42  Martha and Mary show us lessons on work and worship and the balance necessary for both.  But let’s face it, work without worship will soon spiral to a drudgery with a critical spirit.  If you want your work to matter, you need to begin by worshipping the Master.


Answering the Greatest Question

01 04 Luke 10.25-37 Life poses some great questions – Whom shall I marry, where shall I live, what should I do for a career, when should I retire.  But there is no greater question to ask or have answered for us than the question that is posed in the passage we consider today – “What can I do to inherit eternal life?”  How we answer that determines our eternal destiny.  Jesus answered with a story about a man who fell prey to robbers and was cared for by the most unlikely character.  He was not advocating that good works gets a person to heaven no more than by keeping the law.  He was illustrating that no one can keep the law 100% and therefore must rely on something else for eternal life.  Jesus is the only way.  How have you answered that question?  Your eternity depends on it.


The Proclamation About Christ

12 28 Luke 2.8-35 We have been presented with Christ and are to give praise about Christ.  In this third Christmas message we are challenged to make a proclamation about Christ.  It must be informative.  It must be intentional.  It must be inclusive.  It must be inviting.  The Savior has been born and we are to proclaim it because it is good news of great joy and it is for everyone.

(We apologize.  There is no audio with this message.)


Christmas cantata

The choir performed its Christmas cantata with apologies that it was not recorded.  Merry Christmas to all as we remember the birth of Jesus who came to save us from our sin.