
Missions Conference

From Matthew 28:18-20, we are challenged to consider the authority which Jesus had in sending us out as His representatives in sharing the gospel. May we endeavor to proclaim His good news.


Giving to Christ

In the Old Testament we have the practice of giving laid out. In the New Testament, we have the principle of why we are to give. It also explains the purpose of our giving. It is to glorify the Lord. From what we read in the New Testament, giving is a matter of the heart. God gives us the ultimate example of what it means to give when He gave His Son as a gift to us so through Jesus, we might have eternal life. As we give with a willing, generous heart, we demonstrate the heart and character of God. Both the heart and the hand need to work in cooperation so that we actually do what we say or think we will do when it comes to giving. What is your heart like when you give? Do we give with both an open heart and hand or do we give with a closed heart and hand?


Going for Christ

What does it mean that we are to go for Christ. Just before His ascension, Jesus gave us our marching orders that are to be carried out by every believer until the end of the age. We are to continuously share the good news of Christ. How it is done by each believer may be different from other followers of Jesus, but the aim is still the same – speak about Christ. How are we doing at fulfilling the Great Commission?


Growing in Christ

What does it mean to grow in Christ? That is the second point of our church’s mission statement: to grow in Christ. How do we accomplish that? We take a look at that in the message. Our desire as a Christian should be to look like Christ in character. The purpose is to bring glory to Christ.


Gathering With Christ

What does it mean that we gather with Christ? In this message we explore Hebrews 10:24-25 and provide some reasons why gathering with a local fellowship of believers is so vital to the spiritual health of every believer. Come, join us.


The Good Shepherd

So you know the voice of the Good Shephard? Those who know Him, hear His voice, listen and obey.


Where’s Your Heart?

What kind of heart do you have? Do you have a heart that avoids God or a heart that is after God? The message considers two different individuals that help us answer those questions.


Setting Up Stones to See God

When it comes to all the trials and tribulations of life, our first reaction is to want to forget them. Yet I see in our passage that God asks us to remember them. To remember them as occasions when God led the way and helped us through them. They become our memorial stones so that we don’t forget God’s promises, protection, provision, person, and power. No, don’t forget them. Remember them. Use them to build your faith for those future times of tribulation when you need a reminder that God is there and will lead the way, if we will obey and follow Him. Trust Him and start setting up your own memorial stones of remembrance.


Praying for Our Leaders


The Humility of Jesus

It’s been said that humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but rather thinking of yourself less. Jesus gives an example of what humility looks like for the believer. Philippians 2:5-8 give us the pattern of His humility. What then is our practice? How should humility be evident in us if we have the mind or attitude of Christ?