
The Perfect Man

What does it take to be the “perfect man”?  Psalm 1:1-6 gives us some helpful tips.  It has to do with where we walk.  (There are no sermon notes for this message from Randy Chamberlain.)


Some Rest With A Test

09 28 Luke 9.10-17 What is the most impossible thing you have ever been asked to do?  Clean your room?  Explain quantum physics?  Teach kindergartners?  For the disciples it seems, at least from this passage, that it was to feed 5-10,000 people.  Clearly a test of faith.  Would they remember the things they have just experienced in their the ministry experiences they just encountered?  They were given an opportunity to rest but it was interrupted with a test.  Over recent weeks we have learned some important principles.  If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.  If God gives you a task, He will give you the tools for the task.  In this passage if God presents a problem, He is the provision.  The disciples came up with some excuses as to why they couldn’t do the impossible.  Do they sound familiar as one’s we have used?  What’s God asking you to do that may seem impossible to us, but not to God.  Let’s trust Him.


Being Clear

09 21 Luke 9.1-9 – Jesus begins a third phase of His ministry by sending out the disciples on a twofold mission.  They were to heal others of diseases and demon possession and they were to proclaim the gospel.  Jesus gave them His power and authority to do ministry.  It is a valuable lesson for us to learn that when He gives us a task to do, He will also give us the tools to do it.  They needed to learn as do we that the power and authority to do ministry is derived from and dependent on the Lord.  In spite of how clear the message was, even with the authentication of their message through miracles, there were still many who had misunderstandings about Jesus.

(We apologize, there is no audio of today’s message.)


Jesus Has the Power We Need

09 14 Luke 8.26-56 In this section of Scripture Luke reminds us from the ministry of Jesus that He has power over demons, power over diseases, and power over death.  He has the power we need.  Our response is to be one of worship, which is expressed through each of the three accounts.  How do you respond to the work of Jesus around you?


“Master, the Tempest is Raging”

09 07 Luke 8.22-25 We have had a string of recent storms leaving power outages and flooding.  The disciples were headed to another ministry opportunity when a severe storm threatened to do them in.  They cried out to the Lord in their storm leaving us an example to follow.  The storm was a way to strengthen their faith.  What storms in life are you facing that bid you to call to Jesus to deliver?  He is with you in every storm.  If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.


Family Ties

08 31 Luke 8.19-21 Jesus teaches us about the importance of family.  He does not undermine the value of earthly families, but speaks about the essence of becoming part of God’s forever family.  Essentially it boils down to hearing and doing God’s Word.  Obedience is His will for us.  God’s Word speaks of other things that are His will.  The question is, are we obedient to it?

(Our apologies, there is no audio of this message.)


Dr. Andrew Semenchuk

Dr. Andrew Semenchuk from the Slavic Gospel Association gave an update on the work of this ministry as well as his own recent travels.  He spoke a challenging message from II Peter 3:8-18 on God’s delay so that we might mature in our faith and continue to share the gospel around the world.


Our Weakness…His Glory

Mr. Joshua Harney spoke.  There is no audio of the message.  Our apologies


This Little Light of Mine

08 10 Luke 8.16-18 There is only one thing that can dispel the darkness of the world and that is the light of the gospel.  It is to purposeful.  It is to be plain.  It is to be progressive.  It is to be practical.  We are to be the light bearers. 


Desert Spots or Flower Pots

08 03 Luke 8.1-15 Jesus often spoke in parables, short stories of a kind with a spiritual lesson for us to consider.  This parable is about four types of soil and the inference is for us to consider which kind of soil we are.  If we are good soil where the seed of the gospel has taken root then there should be evidence of that by the kind of fruit we are producing.  If there is no fruit, then it is important to evaluate the heart and respond by faith to the gospel message.