
Dr. Andrew Semenchuk

Dr. Andrew Semenchuk from the Slavic Gospel Association gave an update on the work of this ministry as well as his own recent travels.  He spoke a challenging message from II Peter 3:8-18 on God’s delay so that we might mature in our faith and continue to share the gospel around the world.


Our Weakness…His Glory

Mr. Joshua Harney spoke.  There is no audio of the message.  Our apologies


This Little Light of Mine

08 10 Luke 8.16-18 There is only one thing that can dispel the darkness of the world and that is the light of the gospel.  It is to purposeful.  It is to be plain.  It is to be progressive.  It is to be practical.  We are to be the light bearers. 


Desert Spots or Flower Pots

08 03 Luke 8.1-15 Jesus often spoke in parables, short stories of a kind with a spiritual lesson for us to consider.  This parable is about four types of soil and the inference is for us to consider which kind of soil we are.  If we are good soil where the seed of the gospel has taken root then there should be evidence of that by the kind of fruit we are producing.  If there is no fruit, then it is important to evaluate the heart and respond by faith to the gospel message. 


Pardon For Sin and A Peace That Endureth

08 31 14 Luke 8.22-26 This passage is about a woman who was purported to have a reputation around town.  It’s also a story about a Pharisee and how Jesus has an encounter with both of them.  One was overwhelmed with emotion for the change that had occurred in her life.  The Pharisee could not rejoice in the transformation of another but only had accusations.  We each have a reputation.  We each have a debt of sin.  Some may think their debt is less than others, but the fact of the matter is that God sees us all with the same sin debt.  Jesus came to seek and save by forgiving that debt for those who by faith receive Him as Savior.  Are you like the woman or the Pharisee.  It doesn’t matter how others see you.  What matters is how God sees you – forgiven or not.


When Doubts Assault Us

07 20 Luke 7.18-35 We all them at one time or another and in different degrees.  I’m talking about doubts.  When you read through Scripture we see that some of the great heroes of the faith had doubts.  Sitting in prison John had time to think and his thoughts led to some doubts about the Messiah, so he sent some friends to ask.  We learn some insightful help from this account on how to overcome when doubts assault us.  Our message uses the acronym DOUBT to help us overcome them.


From Grief to Glorification

07 13 Luke 7.11-17 Young and old alike, death touches us all.  Not only will we each someday succumb to the grip of death, in the meantime those around us who do leave us in the icy grip of grief.  Our passage today shows us that Jesus has the power over death and the grave by raising the son of a widow.  This act shows us that He also has power over spiritual death.  Only He can give both physical and spiritual life.  Those who witnessed this miracle gave God praise, but they failed to recognize Jesus for who He really is – God’s Son – God Himself.  Our response is twofold.  The first is to give God praise because He deserves it.  The second is to accept His gift of life by believing in His Son for salvation.  How have you responded?


A Faith That Acts

07 06 Luke 7.1-10 What kind of faith do you have?  The centurion had a faith that surpassed that of anyone in Israel.  As a matter of fact, we are told that his faith amazed Jesus.  So let’s ask the question again.  What kind of faith do you have?


Of Fundamentals, Fruit, and Foundations

06 29 Luke 6.37-49 In what Jesus teaches, He challenges us with difficult commands.  Don’t judge.  Don’t condemn. Forgive. Give.  Those are fundamental principles of the Christians life.  But the most basic question to be asked is about the spiritual foundation we are building on.  Is it solid or soft?  Is it on Christ or the religious philosophies of the world?  Time will tell which foundation you are built on.


Living Radically in a Conflicted World

06 22 Luke 6.27-36 The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had been a religion around tradition.  Jesus came and taught about radical living.  It was radical because He taught that we should love our enemies and then gave some examples of what radical living looked like.  Radical living is different, but it begins in the heart.  The heart changes comes from radical love that is divine.  Who is your enemy?  We may not think we have any enemies, but there may be some who would consider you an enemy.  Can you love them as Jesus commands?