
Jesus Leveled With His Disciples

06 15 Luke 6.17-26 It’s important to note that Jesus came down to our level to teach and reach us.  His words to the disciples are just as valid for us today as He teaches on the true meaning of happiness, happiness that is different from how the world portrays it. 



Who’s Your Neighbor

Who’s Your Neighbor and what are you doing for him?  (No sermon notes.  Message preached by Mr. Randy Chamberlain)



It All Comes Down To A Choice

06 01 Luke 6.12-16  If you had the choice Jesus is about to make in our text, what method would use?  Some would just “role the dice.”  Others may go with a gut feeling.  You might seek counsel or just draw straws.  Jesus was developing His own succession plan to prepare 12 men to carry on His ministry once He was gone.  He began His selection process with prayer.  A very unorthodox method when compared to today’s models of selection and development and the 12 He chose weren’t skilled in theological training or public speaking, yet they were the ones Jesus would invest His time and energy in.  It goes to show that Jesus can take anyone who is willing and mold them into people who can turn the world upside down.  Are we willing to be that person?


Color Me Blue

05 25 Luke 6.1-11 The religious leaders had enacted cumbersome rules around what was permissible on the Sabbath.  I fear that the pendulum has swung too far the other way where anything is permissible and spending time with God has gotten squeezed out.  Attending services is just another box to check off on an otherwise busy day packed full of errands and activities instead of using it as a day designed by God to bring rest both physically and spiritually.  Let’s reconsider what the day is intended for.  It will help us slow down a bit.

(Our apologies.  There is no audio for this message.)


The Fast Way to Complain

05 18 Luke 5.33-39 There was more to the question asked of Jesus about fasting than meets the eye.  Behind it was a question centered around legalism.  Why don’t they?  We can set up a system of rules to follow that are not founded in Scripture all the while making them appear spiritual if we don’t adhere to them.  In this dialogue, Jesus helps free us from the notion of legalism, freedom that helps us enjoy life to the fullest all the worshipping Him in the process as we grow in Christ.


The Call

05 11 Luke 5.27-32 What does the call to follow Jesus mean to you?  Matthew shows us that even though others may attempt to discourage you, looking at your past, he never the less follows the command of Jesus.  Will you?

(We apologize that our audio is unavailable)


A “Hole” Lot of Faith

05 04 Luke 5.17-26 This passage demonstrates various reactions to faith.  For some, faith is rewarded.  For others, faith is rejected.  Still for others, faith is reverential.  This passage helps us see faith compelling us to ask ourselves what kind of faith we might have.  Faith as we see from Scripture pleases God and is rewarded.  Is that the kind of faith we have?


Touched by the Master’s Hand

04 27 Luke 5.12-16 Our passage describes the encounter of a man who broke all kinds of social taboos and Mosaic laws being a leper and coming to Jesus.  Jesus also went against the norms of the day by reaching out to the leper.  In this story we see the devastating impact leprosy can have on an individual leaving them filled with despair, yet what a compelling story to see that in his desperation he pushes aside any fear he may have had about his condition and comes to the only person he believes can help him.  Leprosy gives us a vivid picture of our sin.  We are outcasts from God’s presence, yet when we come to Him for cleansing, He says I will, be clean.  What an encouraging passage for any who call on the name of the Lord.  No matter how dirty or repulsive we feel we are, God can make us clean again. 


He Bore Our Sins

04 20 Isaiah 53. 1-12 Why did the Messiah have to die?  The Old Testament tells us about the servant of the cross, the suffering on the cross, and the satisfaction from the cross.  Our passage tells us that not only that the Messiah had to die, but also why He had to die – to bear the sins of all.  Tragedy was turned to triumph when He rose again on the third day satisfying the demands of a holy and just God so that through our faith we might have eternal life. 


As Always – Great Expectations

04 13 John 12.12-19 What opinion do you have of Jesus?  There are many today, just as there were when He walked this earth.  On the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, four distinct groups of people have opinions about him.  The crowd had mistaken Him, the Roman soldiers mocked Him, His disciples misunderstood Him, and the Pharisees were mad because of Him.  What is your opinion of Him?