
Authority Over Disciples

04 06 Luke 5.1-11 The call of Peter began with a simple test of obedience – “push out a little.”  Then it was a test of faith and obedience – “push out deeper.”  At the great catch of fish, Peter acknowledged his own unworthiness and bid Jesus leave him, but Jesus wanted to draw him closer and bid him to consider fishing for men.  He immediately left everything he had to follow Jesus.  What commitment.  What a challenge for us to consider.  At what cost are we willing to follow Jesus.  Discipleship has a call.  It has a cause.  It has a cost.

(We apologize, there is no audio for this message.)


Authority Over Diseases

03 30 Luke 4.38-44 Jesus continues to show others that He is the Messiah by substantiating His claims through the healing of diseases.  But the greatest miracle is the healing of our spiritual disease caused by sin.  He came not to heal physical abnormalities.  That was just a means to an end.  He came to proclaim the good news that He is the Messiah.  His miracles proved it.  Has He touched your life?


Authority Over Demons

03 23 Luke 4.31-37 Jesus gives us further evidence that He is the Messiah when He delivers a man from demon possession.  He has both  authority and power over them past, present, and future.  If we face oppression of some kind we can claim the name of Jesus to be victory because the enemy is already defeated.  We have victory in Jesus.


An Unwelcome Homecoming

03 16 Luke 4.14-30 Luke sums up the ministry of Jesus in this passage, highlighting the rejection of Jesus even His own home town.  It reminds us that the gospel is for everyone. 


Victorious Over Temptation

03 09 Luke 4.1-13 – The victory Jesus has over temptation provides another proof that He is the Messiah.  It also gives us a wonderful example of how we too, can overcome temptation and be victorious.   


A Monumental Event

03 02 Luke 3.21-38 Luke describes a very transitory event that is the catalyst for the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.  This section shows us that Jess was very qualified for the ministry that was ahead of Him.  We see His example in ministry, His endorsement for ministry, and His entrance into ministry.  Jesus gives us an example of humility, meekness, and obedience which results in the affirmation of His Father who exclaims that in Jesus He is well pleased.  Can that be said of us?


A Strong Voice

02 26 Luke 3.1-20 The Message of John was universal in scope reaching all walks of life from the ranks of the highest public official and religious leader to the working class.  Everyone was given the same message – repent.  Why should people repent?  Because the Messiah was coming.  People were to prepare their hearts to greet Him.  The message is the same for us today.  Christ is coming again and we need to be ready for His return.  Repent.


What A Trip

02 16 Luke 2.41-52 We know very little about the childhood of Jesus.  There are legends about some of the things He did, but they are only legends.  Luke gives us the only recognized account of His childhood – the event of going to the Passover celebration with Joseph and Mary at the age of 12.  It is a significant event as it marks a transition for Him that would prepare Him for public ministry.  This example, His example, gives us reason to pause and ponder our own desire or commitment to grow mentally and spiritually, to be in God’s House.  It begins by asking a fundamental question.  Is Jesus lost to you?  Do you assume He is with you though you may find that He is missing from your life?  Seek Him out today.  He will be found by you if you seek Him with all your heart.



Why Believe in Jesus

02 09 Luke 2.1-40 Why should we believe in the virgin birth and the incarnation?  In them we find the essence of salvation.  If Jesus was just an ordinary man, His death wouldn’t save Himself, let alone anyone else.  His birth, this birth was essential and is fundamental to our salvation.



Redemption At Last

02 02 Luke 1.57-80 Zachariah’s tongue is loosed after John is born and he has much cause to praise God.  His son would precede and proclaim the coming Messiah.  God would at last bring redemption so that all who call on the name of Christ can be saved.  We have been given the same message of redemption so that like John we can announce that the Lord is coming.  God’s hand is with us in that task.
