
The Christmas Gift

12 22 John 3.16 What do you hope to get for Christmas?  What is the best Christmas gift you have ever been given?  Our passage reveals the great gift that has ever been given, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger, given by God because He loves us and wants the very best for us.  Are we willing to receive His gift?  Believe and receive.  God loves you with an everlasting love.



The Shepherd Who Would Not Go

Christmas cantata audio/mp3 Enjoy the Christmas cantata put on by the choir.


Unity in Our Declaration

12 08 Luke 2.8-14 The message of the angel proclaimed the news that the Savior had been born.  It was a singular message both unique and extraordinary.  The message was also a shared melody as a multitude of angels joined in giving glory to God.  The message of the Savior is for everyone all over the world.  It is a message of hope and help.  It is a message that gives God glory.  Like the angels, may we ever seek to give God glory.




Unity in Our Devotion

12 01 13 Colossians 3.15-17 What is desire without devotion?  Our passage lays out a devotion to Christ’s peace, to His Word and to His example.  How devoted are you to Him?  If you aren’t experiencing His peace or allowing His Word to be at home or following His example, one has to wonder the level of devotion.



Unity in Our Desire

11 24 Psalms 27.1-14 Even in the middle of difficult circumstances like when the enemy presses in and surrounds us, David knew that the best position was to continue to seek the Lord at all times.  That was his overarching ambition and desire.  He wanted to live in the security of God’s presence no matter what was happening around him or to him.  Is that our desire?  Do we seek God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength or do we dabble at it?  As a church that should be our end, to bring unity through our desire and pursuit of God.





Unity in Our Doctrine – Part 2

11 17 I Corinthians 1.10-2.5 Part 2 Doctrine is an important topic for the church to discuss.  It frames what we believe and how we live.  The various passage we consider in today’s message unwrap for us why we should study and hold to sound doctrine.  They cover everything from our need to refute false teaching as well as the necessity in selecting godly leaders.  Sutdy to show yourself approve unto God, a workman that isn’t ashamed.



Unity in Our Doctrine

11 10 I Corinthians 1.10-2.5 Doctrine simply means something taught.  Many don’t like to tackle doctrine because it gives the impression of being as dry as day old toast.  Others shy away from it because it appears to be too restrictive or dogmatic.  Still others avoid it becuase it doesn’t have any take home value, no application.  That could be further from the truth.  Right doctrine leads to right living.  Doctrine when studied correctly will lead to something that is practical.  It not only affects what we believe, but how we should live.  Doctrinal integrity is important for us to discuss in order to know what we believe and why as well as to refute false doctrine.  If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.  This is the first of two messages to discuss unity in our doctrine.  Today we discuss a warning about doctrinal factions and doctrinal fabrication.  Next week we will discuss the wisdom of doctrinal faithfulness.



AMEN – A Mother’s Escape Night

Do you need a night out?  AMEN to that!

Want a safe loving environment for your kids?  AMEN to that!

Would you like some networking with other Mom’s?  AMEN to that!

Do you want it all for FREE?  AMEN to that!

AMEN (A Mom’s Escape Night) is being offered by Fellowship Bible Church every second Friday of the month from 6:30pm – 10:30pm. with snacks, crafts and movies for infants through 12 years of age.  You do not need to belong to the church to take advantage of this great opportunity. The church is located at 2500 Hartland Rd., Hartland.  For more information or to reserve your FREE childcare for the evening please call the church at 810-632-7263.



Unity in Our Diversity

11 03 I Corinthians 12:10-31 Diversity is a topic we hear a lot about today.  Some of it’s good and some of it is not so good.  God planned for diversity in the body of Christ.  It’s discussed in our passage and is essential for unity.  Unfortunately, the Corinthian church had some problems with diversity that affected their unity.  It all has to do with properly using your spiritual gift.  Diversity was planned with a design for unity.  Diversity has a purpose that develops unity.  Diversity has a problem that disrupts unity.

(Our apologies.  There is no audio of today’s message.)


Unity in Our Direction

10 27 Romans 12.9-21 Our lives are filled with directions.  There are directions to assemble some product you just purchased.  There are directions on the side of the prescription bottle.  There are directions for tire rotation and checking fluid levels in your car.  There are directions for developing unity in the body of Christ.  Those are found in Scripture.  Our passage today provides a number of character traits essential to the Christian life that help us develop and maintain unity.  It all starts with love.
