
Philadelphia: The Church That Was Built To Stay

08 04 Revelation 3.7-13 How would you like to attend a perfect church?  There really aren’t any, but the church in Philadelphai must have been pretty close.  Christ found nothing that He wanted to condemn them for but He had a number of things to commend them about.  It encourages us to keep working toward Christlikeness in our character.  Jesus says to hold on and there are wonderful rewards that await, rewards that reflect His ownership of us.  I can’t wait.



Sardis: The Church That Was In Decay

07 28 Revelation 3.1-6 Sardis was a decaying city with a church that was decaying as well.  Oh, the church appeared to be vibrant and community minded.  It was a THE church to attend.  Yet, Jesus, the all-seeing judge looked on their heart and saw only a facade, a beautiful shell that was really dead on the inside.  It gave all the appearance of a church that was alive, but it was just going through the motions.  Are we truly alive or do we just give the impression of being alive?  Discover in this passage what it takes to become an overcomer and the blessings received from Jesus Himself.



Thyatira: The Church That Went Astray

07 21 Revelation 2.18-29 The smallest city receives the longest letter from Christ.  What He has to same to them should at the same time encourage us and challenge.  It should encourage us to practice the godly qualities they were noted for and to consider whether our efforts are greater now than when we first entered this spiritual journey.  Christ’s words should also encourage us to hold fast to our faith and doctrine.  It should challenge us to ensure that we do not allow the spirit of Jezebel to come in and deceive us by accepting doctrine contrary to God’s Word just to fit in to culture.



Pergamum: The Church That Would Not Obey

07 14 Revelation 2.12-17 Pergamum is the church that compromised.  It had stood tall during persecution, even when one of their own had been martyred, yet they tolerated sin within the assembly.  They allowed worldliness and idolatrous practices to enter and continue without dealing with it.  Jesus had a word of condemnation, yet He also offered forgiveness through repentance.  It’s all too prevelant in the American church.  Have we allowed idolatry and immorality to slip in either in the church or in our individual lives?  Jesus calls us to repent.



Smyrna – The Church Told not to Dismay

07 07 Revelation 2.8-11 – Smyrna, a wealthy city, yet the Christians there were poor.  They were poor from persecution, yet Christ says they were rich.  They may not have had the material pleasures of earth, but they would receive the eternal pleasures of heaven.  They were experiencing persecution for their faith and Christ encourages them not to be afraid, but to be faithful.  They are comforting words to us for when we may encounter persecution for our faith that in the end we will not experience the second death, but instead be given the crown of eternal life.  The city that produced the fragrant spice myrrh, was also producing a the gragrant aroma of godly Christians who were being pressed by persecution, that aroma was pleasing to the Lord.



Ephesus: The Church that Lost its Way

Revelation 2.1-7 Ephesus – The Church that Lost its Way – The letter to the church in Ephesus asks us to consider where our heart is.  Do we really love Christ as we should, as He desires and deserves?  This church was doctrinally sound and dutifully serving, but Christ told them that wasn’t enough.  They had left their first love.  If they did not remember, repent, and repeat the things from when they first began, Christ would come along and remove their lampstand, remove their influence as a church.  Where are we today?




An Inspiring Vision

Revelation 1.1-20 In this 9 week series we will take a look at the letters written to the seven churches of Asia Minor.  Today’s introductory message encourages us to consider who it is that writes to these churches and why the church should heed the warnings given by Him.  Obeying these warnings leads us to better service and greater worship as we see Christ for who He truly is – the Savior who loves us and who died for us, but also who is our Sovereign King.



A Contagious Church

Romans 1.13-17 What does it take to be a contagious church?  It takes resolve to be unashamed of the gospel.  The gospel is the power to save.  We are bound to it.  We are bold with it.  We are blameless by it.



God’s Contagious Love

Romans 5.6-8 Basic to Christianity is the truth that God loves you.  Also basic to Christianity is that God’s love sent His Son, Jesus to die for sin.  We must believe and receive this gift in order to become the children of God.  It cannot be achieved by anything we do.  The cross is the only way to restore the severed relationship with God due to sin.



An Influential Mother

II Timothy 1.5 and 3.14-15 – With increasing and improving technology the influence on new generations is exponentially increasing.  Still, the greatest influence on the lives on each generation coming is the influence of a mother.  Today we honor her for all her labor citing the influence of Eunice and Lois on the life of a young man named Timothy.  Their influence began from infancy when they taught him the Scriptures and that influence carried him through life.  Our challenge today with so many competing influences is to influence our children and grandchildren with the Word of God instilling in them a lasting faith that is genuine, a faith that will shape their future and keep them on track.  Do you have a heart like Eunice and Lois?

(Our apologies.  There is no recording of today’s message.)