
A Contagious Message

John 15.9-17 Last week we looked at the story we have because of the change Christ made in us since salvation.  Today we look at the God’s story.  It’s His redemptive plan which features 4 key characters.  There is God, Us, Christ, and You.  His story requires a response from us.

(Our apologies that there is no audio of today’s message.)


Contagious Stories

Acts 26.1-30 We all have a story to tell about how we became a Jesus follower.  There is a before life, how it happened, and the change that has taken place since then.  The story of Paul gives us some guidance on how we can prepare our story to share with others to help them see that the same change that took place in us is possible for others as well.  People will either be like Festus and think we’re crazy or they will be like Agrippa and ignore the truth or they will be like Paul and respond to the life changing message.  We all have a story to tell and it can have a dramatic impact on others.



“Contagious Relationships”

Luke 5.27-32 In today’s message we learn about Matthew’s unique calling from being a tax collector to a disciple of Jesus.  His unique approach to evangelism serves as a model for us to follow.  His party was more than just a farewell to his old friends and an introduction to his new friends.  It served as an evangelistic mixer that brought the two groups together in the hopes that his hold buddies would come to know and love the One who had saved him and changed his life completely.  Only Christ can do that.  We need to consider ways to share the gospel in non-threatening environments.  If one out of four will come to church if invited, that means three out of four won’t.  That means we need to go to the places where they are.  Let’s throw some Matthew mixers.



“A Contagious Heart”

Romans 10.1 If Jesus were to live in your house He would have several lessons that would help us develop a contagious heart for the lost.  He would show us what it takes to see through a different lens that we might have a heart that would desire to see them saved.



“A Contagious Faith”

II Kings 6.24-7.20 – Today begins a 6 week series on becoming a contagious Christian, using material from the series of the same name.  Why should I desire to become a contagious Christian?  Whay should I share my faith?  This sermon looks at four motivating factors for the reason we should share our faith and become a contagious Christian.  There’s more to it than just a commandment.



The Resurrection and the Life

John 11.1-44 – Jesus asked Martha a very direct question about Him being the resurrection and the life.  “Do you believe this?”  If Jesus was not raised from the dead then we are still dead in our sins with no hope of eternal life.  The same question is for us.  Do we believe this?



How’s Your Heart?

Matthew 26.1-16 – In this passage that occurs before the crucifixion, we are confronted with asking about our heart.  Jesus shows a heart of obedience when He informs the disciples that in just 2 days, at the Passover, He would be crucified.  The religious leaders show a heart of hatred for Jesus.  Mary reveals a heart of worship, giving everything she had.  Judas shows a heart of deceit.  How is your heart today?  God knows the true heart of each person whether it is one of worship or whether we think such activity is waste.



Responding to Bullies

I Peter 3.13-18 How should we respond to bullies?  They are all around us.  Peter faced them and so did the believers he wrote to in his first epistle.  He gives some advice on how to respond to them so that we have opportunity to defend the hope in us.  Then he caps it off by highlighting someone who knew about suffering – Jesus.



What We Have In Christ

I Peter 2.9-12 – As we consider again the role of the church in the world today we need to ponder what we have in Christ.  Peter tells us we have a special calling, we have a secure citizenship, and we have a saving character.  How sobering it is to think that our actions may be what brings someone to Christ or turns them from Christ.  Our character may bring someone to heaven or may send them to hell.



Free to Live

03 03 Colossians 1.9-14 Paul’s prayer for the Colossians is a model for us as we pray for others that they might know God’s will as it relates to godly living, that they might live a life pleasing to the Lord and that they might experiene a wonderful love.
