
The Church – A Construction Zone

Ephesians 4.11-16 Gifted men have been given by the Lord to the church in order to help equip it to minister to each other.  The strength of a church is in how well the body is ministering to each to support it as it matures in Christ.  If someone in the church is not engaged in some ministry to build up the body then one of two things is true.  Either the pastor is not doing his job adequately equipping the body or the individual is being disobedient.  What more could each of us do to help build up the church?



A Living Grace

Ephesians 3.7-13 – We finish up from the previous week our discussion on Paul’s prayer for the church at Ephesus.  He outlines some invaluable things that we should pray for each other.  Then we look at Ephesians 3.  We are not only saved by grace (2:8-9), we also serve by God’s grace and are strengthened by God’s grace.  This is to encourage us not to be disheartened when we encounter difficult life events.



A Way of Life

02 10 Ephesians 1.15-23  – Over the past several weeks our focus has been on the great commission given by Christ to the Church.  It is His marching orders to go and proclaim the Gospel message of salvation through Christ to the people of the world.  While we are to maintain an external focs of accomplishing this commission, we also have a responsibility to the body of Christ – the Church, His bride.  In his letter to the church people of Ephesus, Paul praises them for both their faith and their love.  Paul also prays for them regarding some specific character development that gives us a good model to pattern our prayers for each other.  (Please note that the audio message only deals with Paul’s praise.)



Christ’s Love and the Church

II Corinthians 5.11-21 – Scripture continues to provide insight into the role the church has in the world.  Evangelism is at the core of that mission.  Looking at the passage for today, Christ’s love compels us to active service, it changes us into an amazing new creation, and it challenges us to advocate for reconciliation.  What is Christ’s love compelling you to do today?

(We apologize that there is no audio for this message.)



Mighty Powerful

Acts 1.8 – In his classic song, Steve Green reminds us that as we look around “people need the Lord.”  We are urged to consider that along with the mandate from Jesus to be witnesses, He also reminds us that we are enabled to be witnesses through the power of the Holy Spirit.  What He asks us to do, He enables us to do.  This verse reminds us of the promise of this transforming power, the person behind this transforming power, and the purpose of this transforming power.

01 27 13


The Great Commission or Omission

Matthew 28.18-20 In His closing remarks to the disciples before His ascension, Jesus makes a claim, gives a commission and then provides comfort.  Those are for us today as we carry out the work of Christ to a world that so desparately needs to know God’s grace through His Son.  Are we actively engaged in making disciples?



Until All Shall Hear

01 13 Matthew 24.3-14 In our second message in our series on the church we discover the compelling responsibility to go to the ends of the earth and proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

(We apologize, there is no audio of today’s message available)


The Church’s Beginning

Matthew 16.13-20 In a new series for the New Year we will be discussing the role of the church.  We begin with a passage in which Jesu inquires about His person and informs about His purpose.  It’s  a question we must each answer and then endeavor to involve ourselves in if we are a part of His church.  Who do you say Jesus is?



An Open Invitation

Revelation 22.12-21 As we close out the year there is a sense in which we are looking forward to the new year with anticipation of new beginnings, things being different, somehow better.  Over recent weeks the world was held captive to the theory of the Mayan calendar that the world would end.  It didn’t, at least not yet and not according to the Mayan (or any other) prediction.  Only God knows the day and hour.  In His final words to us recorded in the book of Revelation, Jesus compels us to ponder the truth from His words when He says “I am coming quickly.”  These words should urge us to be prepared for that day and in this New Year it would do us well to strive in ever greater effort to live godly.  Jesus’s return is sure, it is sudden, it is with scrutiny and it is summoned.  Look for His return – it may be this year.



“Fear Not”

Matthew 1.18-25 – The story of Christ’s birth gives us an opportunity to discover an important truth from the life of Joseph.  Whatever all his feelings were related to the news of Mary’s pregnancy, fear must have been one of them for it was the angel who came to encourage him and tell him not to be afraid.  Immanuel gives us hope to face any and all circumstances so that we don’t have anything to fear.  This Christmas season, is your hope in the eternal Son of God who came to live among us that He might die for us or are you still afriad?  Trust Him today to be your Savior.
