
Mary’s Song

Luke 1.46-55 The depth of Mary’s spiritual character is seen in this beautiful song of praise as she praises God for His blessings on her, on the humble and on Israel.  She ponders the role God has for her to play in His redemtpive plan which begs us to ask if we have considered the role He has for us in His redemptive plan.



What the Wise Realize About Jesus

Proverbs 2.1-6 This message concludes our study in the book of Proverbs.  Throughout we have been considering ancient wisdom that is beneficial for modern times.  We end our study noting that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  With that said and heading into the Christmas season, we conclude our series with understanding what the wise realize about Jesus.  They realize He saves.  They realize He sanctifies.  They realize He glorifies.

(We apologize.  There have been some technical difficulties in recording the weekly sermons.  We hope to have this available soon.)


A Thankful Heart

Proverbs 17.22 Scripture is filled with admonition to give thanks to the Lord.  Our Proverb suggests that being thankful is like medicine, bringing healing to the body, mind and spirit.  One of the sins against God is an unthankful heart.  Our thanksgiving should engage our whole being.  In addition, Psalm 100 shows us that thanksgiving should be vocal, volitional, voluntary, venerable, and with variety.  What are you thankful for today?

(There are some technical difficulties with recording the sermon.  Therefore there is no audio of the message.)


Cowardly or Courageous

Proverbs 28.1 There are billions of people spread out across this planet we call earth.  Everyone who has or ever will live will be in one of two groups.  Our passage speaks about a group called the wicked and a second group called the righteous.  Just who are they and how do they end up in either one of those two groups?

(No audio is available of the message)


God’s Sovereignty

II Chronicles 20.1-30 – With every event that unfolds, even the one’s that we hoped had a different outcome, what does the Bible have to say?  Can we find any comfort that will help us in uncertain days?  The passage is a profound declaration of the sovereignty of God and for His powerful intervention.

(There is no audio to this message.)


Praying for Our Government

Proverbs 15:8, 29 Scripture gives us a command to pray for our government leaders.  What prayer does the Lord hear in that regard?  He hears the prayer of the righteous.  When we pray for them there are certain things we should pray about as they lead.  Check out the message and then pray earnestly and fervently for God to heal our land.

(No audio is available for this message)


Abide in Him

audio/mp3 – I John 2:28 – Josh Harney fills the pulpit for Pastor Howie with a message encouraging us to consider what it is to abide in Christ all the time, so that wherever we are or whatever we are doing or whom ever we are with, we will not be ashamed at the appearing of Christ.


God’s Side or the Other Side

audio/mp3 – God’s Side or the Other Side.  Just the title alone is a compelling question to consider.  The story taken from Luke 10 asks us to consider of the three travelers that day, who was on God’s side and who was on the other side.  We are then left with a choice ourselves.  Which side of the road do we travel?


2013 Mission’s Conference

Enjoy the Mission’s message from a wonderful servant of the Lord – Andrew Semenchuk during our 2013 Mission’s Conference.



God’s Plans – God’s Hands

Psalm 31.15 Surgery. Illness. Unemployment. Overtime. The list can go on and on.  The point from the passage and our daily events is that ALL “My times are in Your hands.”  Does that bring comfort to you?  It should.  WIth it we can have the confidence that what is happening to me today, this moment is part of God’s plan to work in me His way and His will.  God has a plan for each of us that is personal, peaceful, present, protective, perfect, and powerful.  At the beginning, during and at the end of the day it reminds me that Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
