
The Obedience of Jesus

Jesus teaches us what it is to obey and why we are to obey. Jesus did it to please the Father and He did it joyfully and willingly. Jesus is our example of obedience. We see His surrender as a Son. We see His submission as a servant. We see His sacrifice as a Savior. Scripture also shows how Jesus is our enabler for obedience. We learn from His example. We are to live by the Word of God. We are to love the Word of God. We are to live by the Spirit of God. Do we delight to do the will of God in loving obedience to Him?


The Faithfulness of Jesus

My guess is that everyone of us has at one time or another been let down by someone who didn’t keep their word. It’s also very likely that we too, have been the someone who has let others down. It can be for a variety of reasons. But Scripture is very clear that God is always faithful. He will and does always keep His word. Period. He never falters. He never changes His mind. It’s never half done. He never forgets. It may not be in the time we expect it, but He never fails. We can trust Him. If we ever doubt that He will keep His word, we lack faith. We must have faith in His faithfulness.


The Gentleness of Jesus

What is gentleness? Is it really weakness? Is the nature of the gentle prone to be run over by those who are aggressive? Jesus shows us what it is to be gentle. It’s a characteristic much needed in our society today. He gives us an invitation to come to Him to find rest.


The Forgiveness of Jesus

What is forgiveness? While the Bible never defines it, Jesus exemplifies it so that we understand what it is through actions and attitudes. How much have we been forgiven? All. When we need to be forgiven, we need to come humbly, we need to come honestly, we need to come with a heartfelt sincerity that is remorseful over sin. That’s our challenge. But what is our call? It is to forgive others as we have been forgiven.


Revive Us Again

“It’s time to stop trying to serve two masters. God, fix our eyes on You. Revive us again!”


The Patience of Jesus

We often think we have more patience than we really do. The slightest interruption to our schedule, a lengthy wait at the doctor, an inconvenient detour, a co-worker who is obnoxious and we learn that are patience isn’t as robust as we think. Jesus gives us an example of patience in John 11 that even what seem as delays are for our good and God’s glory. That kind of patience in us is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit in us. How will you display patience this week?


The Peace of Jesus

Do you have peace? I mean real, deep down peace that can’t be undisturbed by trouble? Jesus said He has given us His peace. Paul writes that the peace of Christ is to rule our hearts? Do you know His peace? You can! Listen in.


The Joy of Jesus

What kind of joy do you have today? Jesus wants you to have His joy to the full. He models what it is to experience hardship and yet endure it knowing joy beyond the cross. You can have His joy deep down in your heart to stay. Ater all, it’s part of the character fruit the Spirit wants to develop in you.


The Grace of Jesus

What is grace? We have heard descriptions like God’s riches at Christ’s expense or God giving us what we don’t deserve or unmerited favor. However it is defined, we need to realize that grace can never be earned. If we could do even one thing to earn grace, it would not be grace. For God to bestow His grace, it came at the expense of Christ dying on the cross for us. When we grasp the height and depth of grace, we will better understand how much God deserves our praise. The magnitude of His grace is tremendous. That’s why we sing amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Praise God!


The Mercy of Jesus

If I were to venture a guess, I’d say that each of has at many times experienced mercy. Jesus demonstrates it in our passage. Mercy is simply God not giving what we deserve. He withholds what we have coming to us, when He has every right to mete out judgment on us. Yet, as we learn from Lamentations 3:22-23 His mercies are extended so that we aren’t consumed. Why? Because He has compassion that never fails. It is unlimited. Why? Because His faithfulness is great. The blind beggar in this passage asked Jesus for mercy. He received more than just his physical sight. He also received healing from His spiritual blindness because in faith he cried out for mercy. If you are in need of God’s mercy, call out to Him, He hears you.