
Finding Real Profits

Proverbs 8.13 – I find in Scripture that there are two reasons amond many for which we are to fear the Lord.  We are to fear Him because He is holy.  Wtihout His holiness we could not see Him.  The second reason we are to fear Him is becuase of His Sovereignty.  With that we are to bow in worship and praise and strive to be holy in our conduct as well.  This passage provides a compelling challenge to be like Him.



On Wind and Wings

Proverbs 22.29 to 23.5 Have you thought much about what you do?  Have you ever thought that what you do is supposed to bring God glory?  Whether work, chores, or hobbies, everything we do should be done in such a way that it glorifies God.  Rather than looking at work as how it benefits me ask how it is a service to God or to others.  If all we do is done for as if we are doing it for God then when won’t chase after it like chasing a swift eagle, it will be seen by others who will give God glory.  Are you living for self or living for God?  It’s evident in how you work.



Friends: Good, Bad, and Indifferent

Proverbs 17.17 and 18.24  Friends come in all shapes and sizes.  They can be a significant influence either for good or bad.  We learn from Scripture some essential qualities of what makes a good friend, especially when it comes to stimulating spiritual growth.  But there is “a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”  Do you know that friend whose name is Jesus?



A Call to Action

Proverbs 22.6 Parenting comes with many challenges.  Training them to live godly is a tall order and we as parents cannot do it alone.  We need the collective wisdom and instruction of others.  I believe this passage is a call to the Christian to help teach formerly or informally our children so that the next generation stands tall and strong on the Solid Rock of Christ.  Everyone bears a measure of responsibility to help ensure children see examples of godly character.  The message offers some insight into the things we should be training them in.



Ants: Creepy but Captivating

Proverbs 6.6-11 Ants are one of the more peculiar of God’s creatures.  While we do everything in our power to eliminate their presence in our home, Solomon invites us to take a closer look at them and consider their ways more closely.  They provide us with some wonderful insight into our own behavior or how we ought to emulate their industriousness.  They are a model for a person who would otherwise should to be a sluggard.  “Go to the ant, sluggard, and consider its ways.”



The Rich and the Poor

Proverbs 22.2 If you are rich, how do you view the poor?  If you consider yourself poor, how do you view the rich?  Our passage states that both the rich and the poor have one thing in common, God is the maker of them all.  With that in mind I have some ideas about that, eight of them to be exact.  They range from the idea of indifference to the idea of importance.  God’s Word has a lot to say about the rich and poor.



A Good Name

Proverbs 22.1 You can buy a lot of things, but you cannot buy a good name.  You can have a lot of money, but not have a good name.  A good name is a matter of choice.  A good name is a matter of character.  A good name is a matter of conduct.  Every day, in every situation, whom ever you are with, a good name is a choice you make. 



Title Deed to the Promises of God

Randy Chamberlain filled the pulpit.



Treasure or Troube

Proverbs 15.6 History provides sufficient examples of the principle of this verse.  Where righteousness exists there is indeed great treasure in the home.  It may not be in tangible things like material possessions or big bank accounts, but certainly in the intangible but seeable things like love, joy, peace, contentment.  There is treasure in the home, the heart and in heaven for the righteous.  That cannot be said of the wicked.  They may have vast wealth, but through their wickedness there is trouble in the home, in the heart and in heaven for them.  It doesn’t have to be.  Through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross, Jesus provided a way to receive the treasure of eternal life and the rewards of heaven that await the righteous.


The Tongue Unloosed

Proverbs 18.21 – The tongue is such a powerful tool.  It can be both destructive and construcive.  When we consider the teaching of Jesus that our words will be judged, how will we use this tool God has given us?  Proberbs has much to say about the tongue – “it brings life and death.” 
