
Is This Really Possible?

Proverbs 31.10-31 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!  “Man may work from sun to sun, but a woman’s work is never done.”  So goes the old saying – and it’s true.  She is tireless.  This woman of noble character is a valuable wife, she is a vigorous worker and above all she is a virtuous woman.  Rise up and bless her.  Praise her often for she is rare and priceless.  But these qualities aren’t just for the proverbial woman, they are traits each of us should aspire to acheive.



The Eye of the Beholder

Proverbs 15.3 Ever feel alone, like God isn’t watching or may not know what you are going through?  Our ancient wisdom for modern times proverb assures us that God sees everything.  That can be of comfort or conern.  How does God see you?



Neigborly Advice

Proverbs 3.27-35 – Neighbors come in all shapes and sizes.  Some we get along with really well and some, well, aren’t so easy.  Maybe we’re one of the not so easy neighbors to get along with.  Solomon provides sound advice on how neighborly we should be toward others.  Three groups are identified in this passage and how we are to wisely respond to them.  Live wisely toward the needy.  Live wisely toward the neighbor.  Live wisely toward the nasty.



Walking with Wisdom

Proverbs 3.21-26 Feeling drained of your energy?  You’re not alone.  Scripture has a remedy.  It’s found in walking with wisdom.  It brings refreshment.  It brings rest.  It brings reassurance.  Follow wisdom, it’s the right path.

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Following Christ

Guest speaker and missionary appointee with ABWE, Todd Janes, shares from John 21:18-22 about some essentials in following Christ. 

The result of following Christ can include physical death, but certainly includes spiritual death as we die to self in order to follow Christ.  Read Romans 6.

There are requirements for following Christ.  An essential component is faithful obedience.  Following Christ requires focus.  It means following a unique path that God has especially designed for us (I Corinthians 12:18).  It also requires our full commitment.  (Mark 10:28-31; 8:34-38)

Finally, there is a reason for following Christ.  It’s ultimately for God’s glory as well as the driving force or purpose for missions.  Do all to the glory of God.  (John 21:19; 15:5)

Following Christ is a choice.  What will you choose today?


The Triumph of the Cross

Romans 5.6-11 He is risen.  He is risen indeed!  The cross reveals a number of things about the love God has for us.  This passage offers compelling evidence to support that teaching.  Maybe you need to be reminded again about how much God loves you.



Missed by a Mile

Matthew 21.1-11 Have your ever missed the obvious?  The crowds on the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem missed all the signs pointing to the kind of Messiah Jesus was.  That didn’t matter.  They still clamoured for Jesus to rid them of Roman oppression.  Maybe, just maybe you have missed Him by a mile too.  It’s not too late.  See Him today as the Messiah who offers salvation.


A Path Worth Following

Proverbs 3.13-18 Life is filled with choices, figurative paths to follow.  Proverbs makes it very clear that there are only two paths, but only one worth pursuing.  One leads to life while the other leads to destruction and death.  Which path are you on?  Wisdom’sprofit is beyond comparison.  Wisdom’s path is peaceful.  Wisdom pursued brings true happiness.



Creator and Sustainer

Proverbs 3.19-20  Did God create the world?  Does He keep it going?  Solomon thought so and he taught his son that truth.  There is plenty of Biblical evidence and its supported in what you see around.  Man is without excuse.  If God can create what we see and then sustain it, how much more do you think God can take care of you and sustain you, not just physically, but spiritually?  He redeems, He restores and He provides.  Don’t take my word for it, check out what the Bible has to say.


Looking to Jesus

Hebrews 12:1-3 – There are many things that catch our eye.  Some are so grotesque we quickly turn away.  Others have an alluring appeal that draw us to gaze longer even to altar our course so that we begin to follow after it.  You’re driving along and a bill board catches your eye inviting you to turn at the next exit.  Another sign advertising the world’s largest whatever, and you turn at the next road to see if it’s true.  Life can do that to us as well.  We seem to be traveling along its road just fine and something will grab our attention, shift our focus.  The Bible exhorts us to stay focused on Jesus, not to allow the distractions of the world to alter our focus especially when the events of life are difficult to bear.  Consider Jesus the writer encourages so that we won’t lose hope or heart to stay the course.
