
Sanding Away Our Flaws

Proverbs 3.11-12 – I like discipline when it comes to training for a race.  I don’t like discipline when it’s because I did something wrong.  Yet this passage, and others in Scripture, reveal the true intent of discipline.  We may not like it and it does hurt, it is not intended to harm.  Counter to our nature and thinking, it reveals the nature of God’s love toward those who are His children.  He intends it to bring us back into right relationship with Him, further sanding away our flaws in order to become like Him in character.  Can we learn from His discipline?



Of Barns and Brims

Proverbs 3.9-10 – In verses 5 and 6 we learned that we are to trust the Lord in everything with all our heart.  In verses 9 and 10 we find the extent of that trust as we are given the command to trust the Lord with wealth by honoring Him in our giving.  It is a heart attitude that expresses gratitude for what God has given to us as we joyfully give back to Him.  By giving Him the first and the best it is both a way to honor Him and a way in which we demonstrate faith that God will continue to provide for us. 



The Core of Christian Living

Proverbs 3.5-8  An essential component to healthy living and a good exercise program includes developing core strength in your mid section.  An essential component to healthy spiritual living is the theme of Proverbs and the fundamental truth or core that should guide the Christian life.  Without following this principle we will be spiritually weak.  The principle is found in this passage.



More Than the Vulcan Way

Proverbs 3.1-4 – Sometimes life doesn’t seem to fair when we read that if we follow God we’ll live long and prosper.  It is even more difficult to believe when we read in the news about those who live contrary to Biblical principals and seem to have it all and then some.  So what gives?  What did Solomon mean and how can I continue to pursue God?



Wisdom’s Total Compensation

Proverbs 2.1-22 – When considering a new job we often look for a position with a company that will provide us not just a good salary, we are also concerned about all the other benefits that are available.  We call it Total Compensation.  Wisdom as well has some benefits that are found in this passage.  If we choose to pursue after wisdom these benefits will be ours.  There is deliverance and delight, but for the one who chooses not to follow wisdom, there is doom.



The Clear Call of Wisdom

Proverbs 1.20-33 – Wisdom has a desire.  It’s getting as many people as possible to follow her.  Scripture reveals the benefits of taking the path of pursuing wisdom.  It also reveals the path of those who reject her.  Let’s learn from those in Scripture who show the outcome of their choice.  Her call may be ignored but it can never be mistaken.



The Pitfalls of Peer Pressure

Proverbs 1.10-19 – The world offers a lot of enticing opportunities and there are those who would seek to lure us into participating in activities that scripture clearly outlines as being wrong, sinful, wicked.  Solomon gives some sound advice to his son that is applicable to us today that will help guard against following the pressure of peers whose only ambition is to commit sin and hurt others in the process.  He gives a warning.  He reveals their walk. We close with wisdom to help avoid them.  So read on or listen to ancient wisdom for modern times.



A Faith Worth Imitating

Proverbs 1.8-9 Our Proverb today reminds us of the tremendous responisibility on both parents to teach godly principles for daily living to their teens.  But it isn’t just the responisibility of parents.  We all share in some way the responsibility of modeling godly character for the next generation to believe and grow in their faith.  To conclude the message there are 10 things I think kids need from adults if they are to embrace the faith we say we believe.

(No audio is abailable for this message.)


A Proverb a Day to Live a Godly Way

Prov 1.1-7 – The book of Proverbs provides practical wisdom for daily living.  Yet it is more than just guidelines to avoid problems in life.  They are given so that we might grow in closer relationship with God.  Both practical and personal, their application will take diligence on the part of the person who desires to be wise.  It all begins with fearing God.  While an apple a day may keep the doctor away, we’ll find in our new series that a Proverb a day will help us live a godly way.



Praise the Lord for Christmas

Luke 2.13-14 The message that came from the angels gives us reason to praise God this Christmas.  Let’s join them in singing “glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests.”
