
Be Caring

Acts 28.1-10 – In a culture that is plagued with selfishness, the refreshing winds of kindness through acts of caring are welcome.  This passage highlights several characteristics of caring that we should both ponder and practice.  Opportunities abound to demonstrate Christ-like care, the only thing that lacks is our willingness.  Give some thought to this passage and then go out and care.



Be Connected

Acts 27.27-44 – Life at times is like a puzzle.  Some events can be as challenging as the world’s largest puzzle, which has 24,000 pieces.  What holds it all together, what keeps it connected are the interlocking pieces that fit perfectly resulting in a beautiful picture.  When we are rightly connected to God, no matter how severe the storms may be in our life, we are able to stand.  How do we stay connected to God during such times?  We need to be connected to God through His Son.  We need to be connected to God through His Spirit.  We need to be connected to God through His Sword.



Missionary Mark Fleming



Be Comforted

Acts 27.1-26 A relentless and violent storm brewed up on the Mediterranean Sea causing even the most seasoned of sailors to lose hope.  Yet in the midst of the storm there was one who stood undaunted in faith as he trusted God to keep His promise “as you have testified of Me in Jerusalem so you will testify of Me in Rome.”  The storms could not shake the faith of Paul.  Desperate men despair, faithful men fear not.  How are you handling life’s storms?  Do you have fear or faith?



Be Concerned

Acts 25.1-26.32 With the lingering reminder of the acts of violence and war brought to these shores on 9/11 that occurred 10 years ago, what is our response?  From the lessons and life of Paul we need to be concerned.  We need to be concerned enough about the brevity of life to share the gospel with those around us just as Paul did in this section of Scripture. 



Be Clear

Acts 24.17-27 – Paul’s example once again challenges us to be clear in how we live and in how we witness so that others can hear with clarity the message of Christ.  Paul provides opportunity for Felix to hear and respond to the central message of Christianity – the resurrection of Christ who is the believer’s hope.


Be Consistent – Part II

Acts 24.1-16 Part II – This is the concluding message to the text began the previous week looking at the character of Paul.  He was quite a character and had quite a character, a character that clear in conscience before God and man.  Read and give thought to how he lived his life before God and others.


Be Consistent

Acts 24.1-16 – Paul’s life has given us pause for reflection on our own walk with Christ.  Over the past several weeks we have reviewed his life with a call to be courageous – to take courage.  We take courage through the Word.  We take courage in our walk.  We take courage in our witness.  We all face daily opportunities where we need to take courage.  We have also seen from Paul that we need to be confident.  Be confident because God’s plans are sovereign.  Be confident because God’s protection is secure.  In this passage we note from Paul’s own testimony the need to be consistent.  His life is a great example.



Rev. Richard Baldwin



Is It Really All That Bad?

Acts 23.11-35 – Have you ever had a terrible, horrible day?  Paul had his share.  In this passage we note two things that helped Paul manuever through the mine field of tough days.  He found that God’s plans are sovereign and that God’s protection is secure.  Hopefully they will help you in those tough days too.