
Passing the Faith Along

Acts 18.18-28 – As Paul ends his second journey and begins his third, ever present on his heart is the strengthening of the believers that they might stand firm in their faith.



A Woman’s Work is Never Done

Proverbs 31.10 – Happy Mother’s Day!  We don’t give you enough praise – period, for all the work you do.  Let us rise up and bless you.  From the pages of Acts we note a woman who was devoted to her worship – she was honoring God; she was devoted to her work – she was hard working; she was devoted to her world – she was hospitable.  Lydia teaches us some lessons through Scripture that are good for all of us.



Fear Not

Acts 18.1-17  – I think it’s safe to say that each of us at one time in our life have to some degree been discouraged.  It seems Paul faced some discouragement when he went to the city of Corinth.  Find out three ways in that helped him during this time.  They are good keys for us as well.



A Fact to Chew On

Acts 17.16-34 – There is no need to be perplexed about the resurrection of Jesus as were the people of Athens.  From Scripture we see the prophey about His resurrection; the predictions of Jesus Himself; the proof of His resurrection; and the purpose for His resurrection.  What do you believe?



Looking for Jesus

John 12.20-36 – Have you ever met anyone famous?  Did it just happen or did you seek them out?  Among the throng of people gathered in Jerusalem for the Passovere celebration were a group we often overlook in the story of the triumphal entry.  Journey back to this passage and find out others who wanted to see Jesus.  Is it your desire to meet Him too?


Two Cities With a Tale

Acts 17.1-15 – Paul’s approach to ministry in Thessalonica and Berea is revealed in four steps.  Comparing yourself to the response he received in both cities, which are you most like?



Getting Over the Blues

Acts 16.16-40 – What genre of music do you most enjoy?  Classical?  Pop?  Rap?  Rock n Roll?  Big Band?  Jazz?  Gospel?  Country Western?  The missionaries we have been following could have just as easily enjoyed a daily dose of the Blues, but instead they chose to sing praise.  With the enabling, empowering work of the Holy Spirit in you, you too can get over the blues.



European Destination

Acts 16.11-15 – It is the dawning of a new day and the foothold of the gospel in Europe as the missionary team meet with prayer group to share the good news of Christ.  This new church would have fond memories for the Apostle.  As Jesus followers they immediately obeyed, investigated options and interested others in the gospel.  How about you?



Where There’s a Will There’s a Way II

Acts 16.6-10 – Scripture reveals some sound principles in helping understand God’s will.  He has a sovereign will, a moral will and an individual will.  The question for us is whether or not we are willing to obey.  Paul and his companions were.



Where There’s a Will There’s a Way

Acts 16.6-10 – Have you ever wondered about God’s will?  The missionary team of Paul, Silas and Timothy had to trust God to lead them when doors of spreading the gospel closed.  Three important passages help in discovering God’s will.
