
Keeping Your Reputation Intact in a Dangerous World

Acts 16.1-5 – What kind of reputation do you have?  Does it matter what other people think of you, how they see you?  It should.  Timothy was recommended for service because he had a good reputation.  Check out some things that can help you maintain a good reputation with others.



Imagine That

Acts 15.36-41 – I think it was Gomer Pyle who said “well don’t that beat all?”  This passages leaves us scratching our heads after two seemingly inseperable godly missionaries have a disagreement that leaves the team divided.  How can we handle disagreement when they come our way?



The Great Debate

Acts 15.1-35 – Over the history of the church, she has been asked to take a biblical stand on any number of important doctrinal and cultural issues.  None perhaps is as important as the issue addressed by the church leadership in Jerusalem.  The question continues to draw considerable debate even today, yet the decision given by the counsel in Acts 15 provides a solid doctrinal base on which to conclude that salvation comes through the grace of God alone.  The message for us today is not only that we should proclaim this eternal truth, but also that we should defend it as well.



Time Out

Acts 14.21-28 – Do you have any unfinished tasks around the house or perhaps at the office?  Paul and Barnabas provide an excellent example of individuals who completed the work given to them by the Lord.  On their return journey to the sending church they revisit the churches that had been established.  Follow along and see what four words they had for them.


The Gospel Does Ad Up

Acts 14.1-20 – It’s hard to imagine that even a simple commercial sharing the hope of John 3:16 would be opposed, but it was.  As Paul and Barnabas continue to find out, where ever they spread the gospel, the Word of God falls on different kinds of soil.  Some will be fruitful, others will never take root.  Oppostion abounds, but their relentless spirit to proclaim the good news of Christ drives them ever onward.



Coming Back From Being AWOL

Acts 13.13-52 – Why would Mark choose to abandon the ministry?  We’ll never know.  Perhaps lessons from David tell us how someone can come back from being AWOL.  Scripture provides three essential ways to help from going AWOL.



Trust and Obey

Acts 13.4-12 – Led by the Spirit.  That’s how Barnabas and Paul found there way in doing the will of God.  Note though that whenever you decide to obey God and where ever He leads you there will be oppostion.  How will you respond?



The Fast Approach to Ministry Success

Acts 13.1-3 – Do you ever get tired of all those ads claiming that you can get or achieve something fast?  Get cast fast.  Lose weight fast.  Learn a new language fast.  Ministry can also fall into the same trap.  Yet this passage reveals that there is a fast approach to ministry success.  Check it out.


Worms Aren’t Just for Fishing

Acts 12.20-25 – God will bring low those who exalt themselves and will exalt those who are humble.  Learn a valuable lesson about pride from the example of King Herod.



A Real Power Surge

Acts 12.1-19 Being without power is a real inconvenience.  This powerful passage reveals some important truths about answered prayer as we stay connected to our divine power source, the Lord.
