
Taking the Road Less Traveled

Acts 8.26-40 – In the classic television series “Lost in Space”, the robot would often exclaim “danger Will Robinson” as they faced opposition of some kind.  This great passage reveals some dangers Philip had to overcome in obeying the movement of God in his life before he reached the encounter with the Ehiopian Eunuch.  There’s a challenge for all of us.



Mission’s Conference message

Audio/mp3 – From the example of Philip in Acts 8, Pastor Don Kirkland reminds us of the call we all have to answer in going to even the difficult places to reach others with the gospel.  Are you willing to go?


Magic or Miracles

Acts 8.9-25  – The miracle of salvation continues to a most unlikely group of people.  Are there those in your world whom you would consider unlikely to accept the Gospel?  Many are hungry to hear and know about hope, hope in Christ.  Will we go?



Bridge Builders

Acts 8.4-8  – Bridges can be breath taking, both in the appearance of some that are engineering marvels as well as those that question one’s sanity for attempting to cross.  Bridges are necessary if you want to cross from location to another where the span is greater than what a person might be able to jump.  The book of Acts has some bridges as well.  These bridges span barriers that had been in place for centuries.  It’s a cultural barrier that is crossed taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ into new areas. 



Onward, Outward, Upward

Acts 8.1-3 – Persecution of the church has been around since the beginning of the church age in Acts 2.  There have always been attacks on the Church, the body of Christ in an effort to eradicate her from the earth.  It mobilizes God’s servants.  It means accepting God’s sovereignty.  It matures God’s saints.  Even the gates of hell won’t prevail it’s forward movement.


The Spirit Filled Person

Acts 7.54-60 – Taking a lesson from Stephen about the person who is Spirit filled we notice he strives in his demeanor to be holy, his desire is toward heaven and His decisions are honorable.  Do we measure up?



The Heart of the Matter – Part 4

Acts 7.39-53 We are a people fixated on cures, cures for all kinds of things from disease to relationships to, well, just name it.  The curse for sin has a natural consequence, but God has provided a cure.  Learn five things about FAITH that can help cure a wayward heart.



The Heart of the Matter – Part 3

Acts 7.39-53 – part 3 – In the epic battle between good and evil as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker exchange blows and words, Darth Vader bids Luke to join him stating “it is your destiny.”  Everyone has an ultimate destiny.  What is the destiny of the person who is without Christ?  This message will explore a very unpopular topic as we discuss the curse for a wayward heart as once again we look at the heart of the matter.



The Heart of the Matter – Part 2

Acts 7.39-53 – part 2  The cause of a wayward heart is unbelief.  In this message, we consider the condition of a wayward heart.  How does a wayward heart manifest itself?  Do I have a wayward heart?



Pastor Don Kirkland
