
Influencing a World Gone Mad

We will either influence others or others will influence us. Jesus says we are to influence the culture around us by being salt and light. We are to have a positive influence on those around for the gospel in a way that points people to God. Is your salt tasteless? Is your light dim?


Living For Jesus – In Persecution

Persecution is something Jesus said we would experience. If the world hated Him, it would hate for our association with Him. Persecution may come in the form of insults, injury, or injustice. But while Jesus says there will be persecution. Our passage gives us a path through persecution. Be joyful. Be glad. Be loving. Be prayerful. Be perfect. Our response in persecution should follow that of Christ. By that we become an example to those who are the persecutors pointing them to the Savior. Persecution is only temporary. Our reward is eternal. Let’s show people the way to Christ by how we respond when persecuted for righteousness.


Are You A Peacemaker?

There is a lot of talk about peace in the world, but the world can’t bring world peace. That can only come through God. And until we have peace with God, we will not have peace with others. God sent His Son, Jesus, that we might have peace with Him. That happens when, by faith, we trust in Christ as Savior. If we want lasting peace with others, we need to have lasting peace with God. Then we are called on to be at peace with others. We are told to do whatever it takes to make peace. That doesn’t mean we compromise the truth of the Scriptures. It does mean that we pursue peace, peace that God gives us to give to others.


Purity: Our Goal, God’s Word

Do you want to see God? Jesus says only the pure in heart will see Him. Explore with us how that is possible.


Show Mercy

What does it mean to be merciful? Our culture seems to be lacking in it. Scripture provides us with so many excellent examples. Being merciful begins with an understanding of how God has been merciful to us. Then we are to go and extend mercy to others.



What does it mean that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness are satisfied? Perhaps the better question is to ask what are you hungering or thirsting for? Is it satisfying you? If you aren’t pursuing righteousness, then it doesn’t bring anything that is lasting or peaceful or joyful or eternal.


Meek: A Powerful Word

What does it mean to be meek? It’s not what the world thinks in regard to meekness. What Jesus means is entirely different from what the culture views to be meekness. The Bible gives plenty of portraits of those who exhibited meekness. Let’s consider together what Jesus meant when He said that the meek are blessed (something the world thinks impossible), and will inherit the earth.


The Comfort of Mourning

What did Jesus mean when He said that those who mourn would be both blessed and comforted? We discover that Jesus is speaking here about those who mourn over their sin. The person who is poor in spirit recognizes his or her spiritual bankruptcy and then mourns over sin. When there is a proper attitude regarding sin, we will admit that we have wronged God and seek to do something about it. True mourning over sin takes the next step of repentance in order to be right with God. We must have a right attitude about sin and not treat it casually or callously. See it as God does and then grieve over it. This leads to another step of Christlikeness.


Poor in Spirit

In this new year, we will be looking at spiritual growth. A good place to begin that journey is with the Beatitudes. In this opening message, we will discover what it means to be poor in spirit. Join us on our journey of being more like Christ this year.


The Praise About Christ

What is it about Christmas that evokes wonder? As we reread the gospel accounts of the birth of Christ, we can’t help but be drawn into praise of God for sending us His indescribable gift. Let’s join in giving God the praise He deserves.