
The Word of God Cleanses Us

What path are you on? The psalmist tells us how we can follow the path to being pure. We need to heed God’s Word. We need to have a heart for God and His Word. We need to hide God’s Word in our heart as we cherish it and obey. Have it ever at the ready when we face temptations so that His Word can keep us from sin.


The Word of God Matures Us

In our passage today, we discover that the Word of God has value – it is profitable. We also learn that it is practical. God’s Word teaches us what is right. It teaches us what is wrong. It teaches us when we go wrong how to get right. Then it teaches us how to stay right.


Sanctification: A Growing Need

In Jesus’s prayer for His followers, He asks the Father that they would be sanctified – set apart for God. Sanctification is allowing God’s Spirit to change us in character to be more like Christ. Every day it’s a challenge to grow to be like Christ. Paul tells the church in Thessalonica that it is God’s will that we be sanctified. Sanctification is a command, not a recommendation. We work in cooperation with the Holy Spirit yielding our will so that He can work to conform us into the image of Christ in character, attitude and thought.


The Word of God Saves

Within the Word of God, we come to understand that we are all sinners in need of a Savior. It then tells us how we can know the Savior and received salvation. The Bible reveals to us the gospel – that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and then rose from the dead. If we want to know how to be saved, we need to know the gospel. If we want to know the gospel, we need to read the Word of God. The gospel is the power of God for salvation, for all who believe.


He Suffered to Save Us

Isaiah provides us with a wonderful picture of the coming Messiah and the sacrifice He would endure on our behalf to bring us into a right relationship with God. Easter celebrates the death, burial and resurrection of Christ who died for all to give us eternal life. As J. Vernon McGee once said: “He took our hell that we might have His heaven.”


The Jesus We Can See

In this passage, some Greeks seek an audience with Jesus. Jesus in turn responds by reminding His hearers that He is the light of the world and that they should seek the light while He was yet with them. It was necessary for Him to die in order to provide life to others.


The Word of God is Inspired

With differing views about inspiration, it’s important to know that ALL Scripture is inspired, not just some parts more than other parts, not just some parts and not other parts. All of it equally inspired. The magnitude of inspiration is its transforming impact on us today.


The Word of God is Inerrant

The Word of God is truth. If it were to be in error on just one point, could you really truthfully trust it any of it? All of it would be suspect. That’s why it’s important to believe that all of it is truth. Because God does not nor cannot lie, the same can be said about His Word, the Bible.


Bless the Lord, O My Soul

From Psalm 103, Rev. Mike Neigh gives five reasons why we should bless the Lord, O my soul.


Good News from God

The good news God offers extends beyond the gospel. It includes all He is as He works in us for His good pleasure.