
The Way to Christ

In the weeks of December, we have considered the worship around Christ, the wonder about Christ, and the witness of Christ. In the message today, we talk about the way to Christ. The angel announced that He was to be named Jesus, because He would save His people from their sin. The shepherds were told that the Savior was born. In our passage today we discover from John, that Jesus was both God and man. Those who believe and receive are guaranteed eternal life as part of God’s forever family. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Him. No one can have eternal life except through Christ. There is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved.


The Witness For Christ

The passage today shows us the importance of sharing the message of the good news with others that the Savior has been born. If we are convinced the message is true and convicted by that message, then we should courageously share the good news with others. How beautiful are the feet of those who share the gospel.


The Wonder About Christ

Christmas is a time of wonder and a time to wonder. It’s a time once again to wonder about Christ as we approach Christmas. In both Matthew and Luke there is wonder in the pregnancy, wonder in the proclamation, and wonder in the praise. We are led to wonder ourselves about Christ and to renew our awe and be captivated that God chose to live among us.


The Worship Around Christ

In the message today we consider from the familiar passages around the Christmas story, the worship around Christ. We worship as the angels, expressing God’s glory. We worship as the shepherds by going. We worship as Simeon with gladness. We worship as the Magi by giving. As we approach Christmas, we learn from each of these groups what it is to worship God and how they did it in unique ways. Our worship should be no different.


Thanksgiving That is Intentional

On this Thanksgiving weekend, David’s prayer provides some guidance for us on how we can be intentional in our praise to God. What are you thankful for? How can you bless the Lord for His blessings to you?


A Threefold Command

Would you consider yourself a joyful person? How about prayerful? Is thanksgiving a regular part of your speech? These are commanded in our text and commanded in such a way that we are to do so always or continually. That’s a challenge we find nigh unto impossible. Yet, here it is commanded of the believer. Join us to discover how we can be obedient in these commands.

(Please note that the first dozen minutes of the video were inadvertently muted. You can skip to about the 13 minute mark to pick up audio.)


The Road Back Home

In a letter on practical Christian living, what is the end objective for the believer? James lays out a what if scenario for us to consider. After all the advice he has provided on how a Christian should live, what happens if another believer continues to live in sin, to wander from the truth? James gives us an objective – those who continue in the truth are to pursue after that person to bring them back into a right relationship with God. We aren’t to stand idly by just praying for them, hoping they will come to their spiritual senses. We are to help guide them back into a right relationship with God which then results in a right relationship within the body of Christ. We are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only.


Prayer That Is Powerful

James exhorts us to confess our sins to each other. Then he exhort us to pray for one another. Confession restores unity in the body and establishes accountability with mature believers. It also encourages support and prayer for the one confessing. How important it is for us to pray for one another. James then gives an example of effective prayer, prayer that is powerful comes from the person who is righteous. Elijah is a great example of someone whose prayers were powerful because he was righteous. How effective is your prayer? Do you need to confess some sin?


Rest in Prayerful Peace

James urges us to pray, but pray for what and why? He also encourages us to sing? What is the prayer of faith? Is it that of the person asking for the elders or is it the prayer of the elders that should be in faith? As you consider the sufferings you may be encountering, it’s a time to pray in restful peace. Pray in suffering. Praise by singing. Pray when in sickness, a word that means here to be weary.


It’s True, Cross My Heart

Is it okay to make a vow? James goes beyond the issue of vows and discusses the need for integrity in our words. If we are truthful, there is no need to make a vow. In the heat of suffering, these believers were prone to make a vow to hopefully lessen the suffering they were enduring. If we are honest, there is no need to cross our heart.