
Supportive Words to the Weary

If you are suffering because of your faith, James encourages you to consider the prophets who met their suffering with patience. He also gives us the example of Job who met his suffering with perseverance. How are you handling your times of suffering? What effect can suffering have? Scripture reminds us that suffering demonstrates comfort to others; it displays God’s strength in our weakness; it determines the genuineness of our faith; when we suffer for doing right it is commendable; and it develops joy and godly character. When you suffer, be encouraged because you aren’t alone in it. Be encouraged by the example of others who have with patience and perseverance shown us how to walk in godliness.


For the Cause of Christ

This weekend was the celebration of our church’s 50th anniversary along with our annual missions conference. For the Cause of Christ was our theme taken from Philippians 3:7-8. Rev. Allan Cuthbert challenged us to consider all that we do and who we are for the cause of Christ.


Sustaining Words to the Weary

Last week we considered the sharp words James had for the wicked rich, those who exploited the poor in order to gain more at their expense. Today’s message offers hope from James who offers sustaining words to the weary. Maybe that’s where you find yourself – right in the middle of a trial. James tells us to be patient, to stand firm, and not to complain about others. Those are words to live by each day. But his words also sustain us for tomorrow as we consider the Lord’s return. It is bright hope for tomorrow. Be patient in your trial because the Lord will soon return.


Sharp Words to the Wealthy

James has some sharp words for those who were wealthy about their attitude regarding money, especially in light of how they got it and what they did with it. We can avoid the same indictment, not for being wealthy, but for having the wrong view, attitude, and abuse of money.


Do or Not Do, That is the Question

The message of James 4:17 is clear. If you know what is the good thing to do, the right thing to do and don’t do it, you are sinning. That could be a matter of conduct or character or even in doing good to others. It’s a very indicting statement because to one degree or another, we are all guilty. Proverbs 3:27 tells us not to withhold help from those who deserve it, when it is in our power/ability to help. How will we apply this passage this week?


Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way

James again shows us that there are only two paths to take. One path is to go our own way, make our own plans, do our own thing. It’s described as a haughty path. The other way is to follow God’s path and the plan He has for our lives. It’s a humble path because we submit to His will. We go His way, follow His plan, trust His will for our lives. Which path are you on?


Did You Hear About…?

How are you with your words? What we say matters and James addresses the matters of slander and being judgmental in our passage today. When we speak against others in such a way, we are not only judging them, we are also judging the law. In effect, we are saying we are above the law and in essence claiming to be above God who is the one and only lawmaker and judge. We put ourselves in His position when we hypocritically judge others. As a matter of fact, we are ignoring the royal law, which is to love others as ourselves. When we slander and judge we are showing others we really aren’t the disciple or Christ follower we claim to be. Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Answer those before you speak about someone else. Is it showing the love of Christ?


Lessons From Parrots and Snakes

Let me begin first with an apology. For an unknown reason our Facebook stream stopped right at the end of the songs just before the message. Included here is the song service if you want to join the congregation in singing. I then preached the message again from my office and included it in the video sermon.

The topic of the message is on how we are to respond to sin. There should be both an external and internal evidence in dealing with sin so that we are then able to draw near to God. We need to take sin seriously because all sin is an affront to the holy nature of God. He overlooks no sin and neither should we. No matter how insignificant we think a sin might be, we should have a contrite heart and a character of humility as we confess, repent, and seek forgiveness. Ask God to search your heart and reveal those sins which need to be addressed – and then draw near to God.


A Conditional Promise

How is it that the devil will flee from us? We are given two commands. The first is to submit to God followed by resisting the devil. If you don’t submit to God first, you cannot or will not resist the devil. The second, is contingent on the first. If you don’t first submit to God, you cannot resist the devil. When you do both, the devil will flee.


A Heart at Ease

Every day there are life events that can create opportunities for anxiety. They cause us to be at dis-ease. How do we overcome them. In this message presented by Pastor Jim, we learn how to handle those situations that bring us peace instead.