
The Flaws of Favoritism

James challenges us about favoritism and shows us that there are some flaws. He first examines the flaws, then he explains the flaws. We conclude by considering three was to eradicate the flaws of favoritism. If we dig deep enough, are we will first to admit that we have biases of some kind toward any one person or group of people? If we admit we do, are we then willing to apply the command not to who favoritism or partiality? If we have genuine faith and are willing to be doers of the Word, we will.


Is Your Religion Faulty or Faultless?

James asks us to consider our religion. Is it faulty or faultless? He gives us some ways to figure it out that show our heart. It gives us pause to consider our religion.


Mirror, Mirror

Our passage today is a challenge for all believers. Last week we discussed the need to be hearers of the Word of God. Today the challenge for us is to do something with what we hear. We are to be doers of the Word and not just hearers, otherwise we deceive ourselves. This is a call to act on the message of God’s Word. What is God telling you? Is there something in your character that God’s Spirit is moving you to change based on something revealed to you in Scripture? If so, are you just a hearer or are you a doer. My prayer is that you become a doer and not just a hearer.


Hearing and Acting

James addresses two important issues facing Christians: their talk and their walk. The new birth affects these two areas of the believer’s life so that a noticeable difference should be evident to others. How has the new birth affected you those areas?


A Bridge Like No Other

Most likely we have all been over some kind of bridge whether by car or on foot. Some are marvels of architectural design, magnificent in their expanse. Others are centuries old and almost as impassible as the gulf they span. Verse 16 in our passage is a bridge where James takes us from one thought to the next. In the previous verses we are reminded that God is not the author of temptation and in the verses that follow James reminds us that we have a God who gives us gifts that good in the act of giving and gifts that are perfect in the gift itself. If God is only good all the time it stands to reason that He only gives good gifts. He has given us the gift of eternal life through the Word of Truth. The question is whether we have crossed the bridge to eternal life by the bridge He has provided in His Son Jesus Christ.


That is Tempting

James helps us understand the nature of temptation – its source and its steps. Other Scripture will help us see the solution to temptation. We will all encounter a variety of temptations. How can we come out victorious over the temptation so that it doesn’t lead us to sin.


A Promise for Persevering

Do you consider yourself blessed when you encounter trials? Is there a settled contentment and joyfulness that permeates your soul in the middle of life’s challenges? James says that the person who endures trials is blessed. When he or she has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God gives to those who love Him. Scripture tells us that the demonstration of our love is our obedience to His commands. Loving God in the trial is the motivation we need that helps build our faith and keep us going through the life challenge knowing that we have an eternal reward waiting for us. That keeps us going. So how is your love for God? Do you know for sure you will receive the crown of life? Be encouraged, God has made a promise for persevering.


Attitude is Everything

What attitude should we have during trials when we are poor or when we are rich? What is our focus on anyway, the trials we encounter here on earth that are temporary or what is ours in Christ that is eternal?


Wisdom in Trials

We all go through trials. We learned that last week from James 1:2-4. We even learned the reason we encounter them, to mature our faith. We even learned how to respond in them, with pure joy. So when we are undergoing a trial, how should we pray? Our passage in James 1:5-8 tells us to pray/ask for wisdom, and we must ask in faith. I pray this will be of encouragement to you.


The Need For Trials

How do we respond to trials? Why do we have to go through them? What’s the purpose for them? James helps us gain perspective and understanding on the benefit of trials and how we are to respond to them as we are going through them. Journey with us on why we need trials.