
An introduction is in Order

Today begins a study in the book of James. Who is the author? What was his character? Who was his audience? Why is this letter relevant to us today? This book will challenge us, change us and encourage us to walk each day with faith that is evident to others.


Above and Beyond

In this message, we are challenged by the conclusion of Paul’s prayer to see that God can do far more in our lives to grow us in godliness than we can imagine. His power is amazing.

He concludes with appropriate praise for all that God can do in us as we yield to the work of the Holy Spirit. What is it in the coming year that we will ask God to do in us to mature our faith?


Our Consolation

On this Sunday before Christmas, we consider the account of Simeon who speaks about our consolation. He was looking for the salvation of Israel. He challenges us to consider if in our waiting for Christ we are living a righteous and devout life. We see in this passage his character, his concern, his consecration, and his celebration. I hope you see our consolation this Christmas as we celebrate His birth.


Our Call

Each of has a call of some kind on our lives. The shepherds call was more than just in tending sheep. They had a call to go and be a witness that Christ had been born and then to go and witness to others about the good news. What they had seen and heard resulted in their worship. As Christians, we have the same call to be a witness about Christ and then to worship God because of the good news.


Our Christ

Our passage tells us about our Christ who is the Savior and Lord who was born. It is He of whom the angel spoke of being good news of great joy to all the people. Let’s celebrate the reason Christ came.


Giving Our Hallelujahs

What a beautiful psalm that invites us to praise the Lord, to lift our hallelujahs to Him. It’s been quite a challenging year in many ways, yet through it and at the end of it we are called to praise the Lord. For what can you say you are thankful for?


A Christian Duty

With the election turmoil that continues to boil, what is the responsibility, the duty of Christians regardless of who is in office. The Bible gives us three commands to follow. How will you as a Christian respond?


Genesis Overview

In this concluding message on the book of Genesis we will consider the evidence for God in seven different ways.


A Live Well Lived

It’s been a long journey as we come to the end of Genesis. Genesis 1 gives us the creation of two people and Genesis 50 gives us the death of two people. God was right that eating the forbidden fruit would result in death. But the person who lives by faith has been given promises. Both Jacob and Joseph stress the reality of those promises through their faith in God. Joseph had learned along the way that faith also believes in the sovereignty of God, that everything works for good to those who trust Him. Are you walking by faith? Do you believe what God says? Are you convinced that everything works for good?


A Final Farewell

If you were to receive a blessing from your father before he passed on, what words would you want to hear from him. Jacob had some things to say that revealed not only the character of his sons, but also gives insight into the nature of the tribes that would inherit the Promised Land. He has weighty words, wonderful words, well-chosen words and welcoming words. They encourage us because they reveal the promise of the Messiah whose kingdom would be eternal. His words should also challenge us to endeavor to place our trust on the Rock, the One who is Almighty.