
The Evidence of Mercy

Joseph demonstrates for us the measure of God’s grace and mercy to his brothers in this chapter. As God has extended those to us, we in turn are to exhibit them to others. Joseph continues to look for opportunities to see whether his brothers have really changed.


A Famine of the Heart

It finally happened. The meeting that Joseph perhaps new would take place. A famine had swept through all the known world and many outside Egypt traveled to buy food. How would Joseph respond? Why did he act as he did when his brothers stood before him? I think there a several reasons among which was to determine their heart. In the 20 plus years, had they changed at all? In this passage we see that when it comes to the matter of the conscience, God can use three means to affect change. He can use barrenness. He can use brokenness. He can use bereavement. Perhaps God has in the past used these in your own life to draw you back to Himself. Perhaps you are experiencing one of those right now. Let God do His work in you and begin the transformation of the heart He desires.


A Salty Servant

What an incredible example given to us in the person of Joseph. We learned last week of some godly traits that all believers should exhibit seen in his life. He was honest, honorable, humble, hopeful and holy. This week in the text we are considering we see two more traits of a godly person evident in his life. He was a servant and he was salty. No matter what he did, no matter where he found himself, he served others. He had their best interest at heart whether it was in the home of Potiphar as a slave or in prison as a prisoner or now as second ruler over Egypt he put the well-being of others before himself. That goes back to his humility. But he also was salty. He was not ashamed of putting God out there, whether it was to Pharaoh or in the naming of his two sons. He was a light pointing people to the one true and living God. We would do well to follow his example. Our culture needs believers to be a Joseph. Will that be us?


A Man for the Times

Once more we see God’s sovereign hand bring about His will in the life of Joseph. Through his life we see five character traits of a godly man. They are traits we would do well to practice. A man of God is honest, honorable, humble, hopeful and holy. Joseph is taken from the pit and placed in the palace. It was all God’s doing. Joseph was faithful wherever God put him. The challenge for us to be a man, woman or child of God putting into practice those five attributes of godliness.


A Dream Come True

Joseph, in charge of the prisoners, is given responsibility over two high profile men. They are the chief cupbearer and chief baker who served Pharaoh. Angered by some unknown event, they are thrown in prison. While there they both had dreams and became troubled that no one was there to interpret their dreams for them. Joseph pointed them to God. His faith directed them to the One who could give an accurate interpretation. When something is troubling you, where do you go? Is God the first and only place or the last resort? That’s where Joseph went. He had learned to trust God and wait for God. He waited quietly, patiently, obediently and hopefully. Let’s learn from his example.


A Love That Serves

In this message we focus on encouraging Pastor Jim Neigh in his role as associate pastor. But the truths are for every believer. We discuss what it means to be found faithful with the foundational motivation of loving God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind.


Rising Above the Pit of Prison

Once again, Joseph gives a great example of how to respond in difficulties. Once again, we see that the Lord was with Joseph. God’s plans, God’s purposes, God’s perspective all worked in Joseph’s life to bring about God’s will. How does Joseph’s life challenge each of us to live godly to bring glory to God? Is that godly character noticed by others?


Lessons From Lilies

For Such a Time as This

With all the events occurring today in our communities, cities, country and in fact the world, how is the believer to respond? Paul gives us some advice that can help make an impact in the culture if we are to see any lasting change. The universal pandemic of sin needs a cure and that cure is Christ.


God’s Will Prevails Again

Genesis 38 isn’t a chapter we particularly enjoy reading. You won’t hear it read to open a worship service. It’s not a general topic of conversation. That said, there is a lot we can learn from it and the life of Judah. We see that God uses people in spite of their sin in order to fulfill His plan. We see God’s grace time and time again. The plans of God will not be derailed by the efforts of anyone. His redemptive plan continues to move forward.

(We apologize that there were some technical difficulties with providing a video stream of today’s message.)