
What’s Holding You Back

How often are you distracted in a day? It seems like something always comes up that takes our focus off the task at hand. Whether cooking, cleaning, work, or driving, anything can become a distraction. It’s the same way in the Christian life. In our text Abram along with his wife, father and nephew set out for Canaan. Along the way they became distracted at Haran. Abram was there a long time before he journeyed on down to Canaan where God was leading him. The question for the Christian is this: where is God leading you that perhaps isn’t completed because you have become distracted along the way?


It’s All So Confusing

Just why did God have to make so many different languages anyway? Our text tells us why it’s all so confusing.


A Look at Jesus

Mr. Randy Chamberlain gives us a glimpse of Jesus from Scripture.  The Bible tells us who He really is.  Find out for yourself.


God’s Way of Soul Winning

Mr. Randy Chamberlain takes a look at soul winning from God’s perspective.  How shall they hear if no one is sent?  We all have a responsibility to go tell others.


A Look at Your Legacy

Genesis 10 is more than just a list of names, it serves as a map of where Noah’s sons settled along with their families or how the earth was populated after the flood.  It shows us their legacy and how Biblical history played out through their influence.  It causes us to ask what kind of legacy are you leaving?  Will you have saving influence that lasts; sanctifying influence that leads; and serving influence that loves? 


“Somewhere Over the Rainbow”

In Genesis 9 we have the account of God’s unconditional covenant made with Noah that extended to all future generations that He would never again destroy the world by a flood.  He gave the rainbow as a symbol of that covenant, which most people today have no understanding of its meaning.  But it is God’s promise.  The remainder of the chapter is about a cloud that hung over the life of Noah as he committed an indiscretion the result of which brought a curse on his grandson, Canaan, who was very much like his father in character.  Noah shows us that it is possible for even a very godly person to yield to temptation, so always be on guard.  We will see both the blessings on Shem and Japheth as well as the curse on Canaan, throughout the remainder of Biblical history.  A point of the passage is to stand strong in the Lord.


A Flood of Evidence for Faith

Faith can often seem strong when everything is going well.  Noah shows us what faith is like during the storm.  In this passage we see that his walk with God was consistent, his work for God was careful, his wait on God was confident, and his worship of God was complete.  After our storms can we worship God?  That is natural for a person whose faith is strong before, during and after the storms.


A Day in the Life of Noah

Noah serves as a wonderful example of faith and what it looks like in a culture that is morally bankrupt.  His faith is seen in a life that was impeccable; doing an assignment that was impossible; and in obeying immediately.  Through it all he trusted God with all his heart.  How about you?


Worlds Apart

In a world gone mad, God saw the world in its wickedness.  How did it get so bad?  How had it become so corrupt?  There are three steps to corruption: complacency, compromise, and contamination.  It leads to God’s condemnation.  In the midst of such rampant wickedness, God continues to offer hope through the person of Noah whose conviction to stand strong in uncompromising faith.   Do you have strong conviction or a compromising faith?


Let’s Take a Walk

What does walking with God look like?  Enoch gives a wonderful example from Scripture of someone who pursued God, pleased God, and proclaimed God.  We have seen his walk, now, how is yours in comparison?