
Man’s Need – God’s Gift

Man doesn’t know it yet, but he has a need.  God knows what it is and in the process of naming all the animals he discovers there is no one else like him.  God makes for him a counterpart and together they become one, unashamed.  This passage provides for us God’s perspective on marriage – between one man and one woman.


A Walk in the Park

The Garden of Eden was a beautiful setting for man to have every need met through what God had given him.  He was free to eat anything except one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  It was a test of obedience for the man who was given the free will to choose.  One thing is evident, God takes judgment seriously.  If man disobeyed, he would die.


A Second Look

02 17 Genesis 2:4-7 And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living being.  Only God could do that, only something that is alive can give life to something that is dead – both physically and spiritually.


The Seventh Day, Finally

02 10 Genesis 2.1-3 On the seventh day, God rested.  Not that He was tired, but because His work was complete.  It was called the Sabbath, a day distinct from the other six days of the creation week.  On this day He did no work.  It was a day He blessed and made holy.  It was a pattern for our week – to work six and have a day of rest.  The Sabbath was given to Israel as part of the law, it was part of the covenant God made with them and it was a reminder of their deliverance from Egypt.  Are Christians obligated to keep the Sabbath?  Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath?  Is it a sin to work on Sunday?  We look at Scripture in both the Old and New Testament to answer these questions.


Untapped Potential

02 03 Genesis 1:28-31 God commended to man three responsibilities that stem from His blessing them.  God blessed them for their posterity, He blessed them for their position, and He blessed them for their provision.  He looked at everything He had made and saw that it was very good.  It was exceptional.  And then He was done.  God has given us the capacity to know our world.  In it are many wonderful applications for our benefit, but we need to use it wisely by being good stewards of it.


What Kind of Man Indeed

01 27 Genesis 1:24-27 What separates man from animals? It is the fact that we, of all God’s creation, have been made in His likeness and image.  Sin has marred that image, an image that is His character in us.  Redemption renews that image and God’s Spirit works to develop that image in us.  I John 3:3 says that one day that image will be completed. We are special, because God says so.


Oh What A Day

01 20 Genesis 1.3-23 The days of creation were magnificent.  God had it all planned out.  The day is exact, the design is exceptional and His delight is expressive.  Each day God makes distinctions.  For example there is the distinction between light and darkness and between land and sea.  He is a God of order and at the end He said it was all good.  He couldn’t do any better and He wouldn’t change a thing.  It was excellent.


It’s Creative Not Chaotic

01 13 Genesis 1:2 Verse 2 provides a lot of confusion regarding origins.  Was there a gap between verse 1 and 2 of long ages?  Did God help the process of evolution?  Were they long days of millions of years?  It’s can be a challenge to understand.  This message provides my understanding of the verse in conjunction with the rest of chapter 1.  It’s day one at the beginning of it all.


The Evidence of God in Creation

01 06 Genesis 1:1 There is a lot of debate these days about the creation account of Genesis vs. evolution and the variations of that theory.  We’ll be looking at the Genesis account and what God’s Word says.  “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  The attack isn’t just on the creation account recorded for us in Scripture, it’s also an attack on the authority of God’s Word.  In this message we consider four truths evident in the opening verse.  They are evident in creation.  We see the person of God, the presence of God, the power of God and the purpose of God.  Throughout Scripture we see one very important truth evident for why God created – it’s all for His glory.  Join the heavens and the earth in declaring the glory of God.


Taking AIM at 2019

12 30 18 Colossians 2018 seemed to by like a whirlwind.  It went by quickly.  In it there were challenges and changes, uncertainties and circumstances that tested and shaped our faith.  What will 2019 hold for each of us.  One thing for sure as was evident in 2018 we can expect the same in 2019 – God will remain faithful.  In his letter to Colossae, Paul offers several ideas that can help us take AIM in 2019 to help us mature in our faith.  He offers insight in how we should study, serve, speak, submit, sing, and supplicate.  What will shape the year ahead for you?