
2018 Christmas Eve Service

The theme for this year’s Christmas Eve Service is about the purpose of Jesus coming to earth.  In the Gospels, Jesus tells us why He came.  He came to surrender to the will of the Father.  He came to serve others and He did so by performing many miracles to help people.  In serving those people He came to seek them out.  He did so as a way of saving them, saving us through His death on the cross.  He could only do that by coming to earth and living like us.  Is He your Savior?  He came to seek and save you.


The Proclamations About Jesus

12 23 18 Matthe 1 and 2 Luke 1 and 2 In the unfolding drama of the Christmas account revealed in Scripture we see various reactions to the news and coming of Jesus by each of the characters found in the accounts of Matthew and Luke.  They range from readiness as in the case of Mary to rejoicing by the shepherds to rejection by King Herod.  Others also reacted to the news.  They represent how people today respond to the news about Jesus’ coming 2000 years ago.  This Christmas, how will you respond to the birth of the Savior?


The Prophecies About Jesus

12 16 18 Micah 5:2 Isaiah 7:14 As we approach Christmas, there is a reminder from the Old Testament that the Messiah would be born.  These prophecies provide important information about the Messiah.  Prophecies are bountiful, they are believable and they are beautiful.  That these prophecies are about Jesus is irrefutable.  They told us He would come, and He did.



The Promise About Jesus

12 09 18 Genesis 3:15 The Bible is all about Jesus.  From the very beginning God had a plan that came with a promise.  He would send someone to break the curse of sin.  It would happen four thousand years later, but it would happen.  Hope is seen in the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God.  We celebrate Christmas because of the promise God made about Jesus.  Let’s rejoice in the promise.


A Growing Need

12 02 II Peter 3:18 Here we are at the conclusion of II Peter.  It’s the sum of all that Peter want’s to say to ensure and encourage that his hearers stand strong in their faith.  Just how is that done?  Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  We need to live for Him, learn about Him, and love him.  That is the way to stand strong.


Watch Yourself

11 25 II Peter 3:17 In Peter’s closing remarks he refers to all that he is written in the letter to believers that they might stand steadfast and not be seduced by false teaching.  It’s an expectation that helps to prepare us as well as an exhortation that helps to protect us.  Take away the foundation of God’s Word and there is nothing solid on which to stand and you will fall for anything.  Peter encourages steadfastness. 


Mapping Out The Journey

11 18 II Peter 3:14-16 Peter’s closing verses are a map that help us see the journey we are on and it’s destination.   We look forward to the day of God, but in the meantime while we wait, we are to live spotless and blameless and be at peace with God at the appearing of Christ.  Destruction awaits those who will twist the Scriptures.  There will be obstacles along the way and Peter’s advice helps us know how to navigate them. 


Looking Forward, Living Faithfully

11 11 II Peter 3:11-13 Just how are we to live as Christians in a world that seems to be spiraling out of control?  Peter gives some sound advice knowing that we have something better awaiting us on how we are to live as we wait for the day of God, that time of eternity.  He tells us to pursue a path that is wholesome; pursue a purpose that is worthy; and pursue a promise that is wonderful.  In light of what is coming and regardless of what is happening in the here and now, we are to live holy and godly.  That speaks to both actions and attitudes – inside and out display godly character. 


Oh What A Day

11 04 II Peter 3:10 Peter issues a warning about the stark reality of a day coming that will unleash the wrath of God.  Believers need to be watching and ready.  Unbelievers need to be warned of its imminence and fury.  It is a day to be avoided and because it hasn’t yet happened is one more day of God’s patience and desire for many more to come to know Christ.  But when that day of the Lord arrives there will be no more opportunity to repent.  It is a factual day, a future day, a fearful day, and a fateful day.  Let’s be committed to proclaim the gospel so one more person hears and can repent.  Oh what a day it will be.


It’s About Time

10 28 II Peter 3:8-9 Time is something we never think we have enough of.  We become impatient because there isn’t enough.  At times we might even conclude that God is taking His time.  But God doesn’t measure time the same way we do.  His patience means the salvation of others as He waits for them to repent.  He waits…perhaps for you.