
Days of Future Present

10 21 II Peter 3:3-7 In our passage today Peter shows us a future problem, a forgotten past, and a faithful proclamation.  The future problem to Peter, one that is quite evident today and will only get worse, is a warning about mockers.  They will mock the second coming of Christ because everything has continued as it has from the beginning.  From their perspective, there has been no divine intervention, the natural state of everything continues to march on unimpeded.  They conveniently forgot that in the beginning God spoke and brought everything into existence and that He spoke and the world was judged by a flood.  Those who mock God are being reserved for a judgment by fire that is being held back by the power of His word.  We must be ready for such mockers and be proclaiming the coming judgment.  It will happen just as He said it would.


An Important Message

10 07 II Peter 3.1-2 As Peter wraps up his letter, he refers back to his earlier letter as a reminder of what is to come and the importance of holding on to their faith.  The assurance of what he says is based on the conclusive authority of the Old Testament writhers, Christ, and the Apostles.    We are encouraged to stand strong on the Word of God. 


A Hollow Pretense

09 30 II Peter 2:17-22 Peter provides some concluding comments about false teachers.  Their appeal is both to the head and heart of those who are susceptible to their slick sales pitch.  Everything they teach is hollow.  Who they are is hollow.  Their lifestyle is hollow.  They teach freedom as a means of mature their own immoral lifestyle.  Peter concludes by saying that no matter how moral they may seem on the outside their true nature, like that of a dog and pig will be to return to their nature.  He once again underscores their demise.  Reserved for them is deepest darkness.


The Shepherd’s Call

Mr. Randy Chamberlain brought the morning message from John 10 talking about the shepherd’s call.  We apologize that there are no audio or study notes available for this message.  Read through the passage and ask the question to determine if you hear the sound of the shepherd calling you.  His sheep hear His voice?  If it seems unclear or distant, perhaps you aren’t as close to the shepherd as you think you are.  Stay near Him – and listen.


A Kingly Calling

09 16 Matthew 25:31-46 Even though the passage reveals events at the end of the tribulation just before the millennial reign of Christ when He separates the sheep from the goats because of how they treated His brothers, it serves to illustrate today a need for humble service.  There are many opportunities locally to help feed, clothe, aid the sick and visit those in prison.  What are we waiting for?

(We apologize that there is no audio of today’s message.)


Tell Tale Signs

09 09 II Peter 2:13-16 Peter provides some additional information about the character of false teachers with some tell tale signs.  So just what characteristics should you look for in a faithful teacher.  In both the false teacher and the faithful teacher Scripture provides some insight into their faith, their fruit, their followers and their future.  By their character you should be able to determine which you would rather sit under for godly instruction.  It should be obvious, but then, false teachers are deceptive.  Be wary.  Jesus said we will know them by their fruit.

(We apologize that there is no audio for this message)


It’s Just Divine

09 02 II Peter 2:9-10a Peter gives us a couple of great examples of encouragement when God rescued Noah from the global deluge and Lot when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.  They set the tone for our passage because if God could simultaneously spare them and destroy others he can certainly rescue us and hold others for judgment.  That was the message to Peter’s readers and a clear message for us.  God’s ability hasn’t diminished in any way.  He fully knows what we are going through in our various trials and He fully knows how to rescue us.  Be encouraged and comforted in that today.  He gives us that promise.


There’s a Lot to Consider

08 26 II Peter 2:7-8 Peter’s example of Lot’s rescue gives us a lot to consider given the accounts of his life in both Genesis and II Peter.   Peter describes him as righteous yet his actions in Genesis seems to conflict with that.  Righteousness isn’t contingent on character, it’s based on faith.  His faith is what rescued him.  While it appears he may have compromised in certain areas one thing is undeniable he was rescued from this judgment on Sodom.  His compromise began when he pitched his tent toward Sodom.  It gives us pause to consider our walk whether we are complacent or if we will stand strong in our faith.  Will we look toward sin or turn away from it.


Looking Forward, Living Now

Mr. Joshua Harney looks at I Peter 1:3-7 and 13-21 to help us see that in anticipation of our inheritance reserved in heaven, secured by God, paid for by Christ, we should live toward that end by preparing ourselves, being self-controlled and obedient to Christ.  The capstone command is to be holy because God is holy.  How are you living today in light of what is yet ahead?


A Blast From the Past

08 12 18 II Peter 2:6 Peter provides yet another example from the past that God will judge sin.  This example comes from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  The message is clear.  Opportunity was given to repent and they didn’t listen.  God brought severe and swift judgment.  It was final and forever.  These two immoral cities serve as an example to us that God will judge, but also that we need to prepare ourselves so that we won’t receive God’s judgment.  We can do so through faith in Christ.