
A Faith That Believes, Behaves, and Builds

08 05 II Peter 2:5 Noah provides for us a model of tremendous faith.  His faith believed in God and believed God.  His faith resulted in behavior that Scripture says condemned the world.  His faith built an ark.  I believe that God is asking each of us to build an ark.  It may not be a boat and it may not be of monumental size, but it is still an act of faith.  What is your ark that God is asking you to build that must be by faith knowing that God is the one asking?  Will you be obedient and trust God and step out in faith?  Noah’s life gives eight valuable lessons for us to consider.


Water, Water Everywhere

07 29 II Peter 2:5 Peter gives yet another example regarding the fate of false teachers through the flood of Noah’s day.  The Bible teaches us about the scope of the deluge and seriousness of the depravity that resulted in such global devastation.  Had the people been obedient to God, the flood most likely would not have occurred.  Yet it did.  Scripture gives us the example of Noah, which we will consider next week, how we can navigate through all the depravity of the world.  Another example is in the life of Enoch.  We learn that he walked with God and that he pleased God.  What was it about Enoch that pleased God?  Hebrews 11:6 tells us it was his faith.  Faith helps us as we journey through a world filled with wickedness.  Just as in Noah’s day, false teachers will be judged and so will the rest of the world of those who do not have faith and seek after God.


When You Can’t See the Sun

Mr. Josh Harney shares from Philippians 4:4-13 on how to have joy, all the time.


A Global Perspective

07 22 Revelation 5:9-10 Our passage today reminds us that God loves all people groups and the need is great to translate His Word into languages that do not have the gospel message in written form.  It takes committed people to do translation work – forming a vocabulary, understanding culture and putting the two together in order for those people to understand the gospel message from their own unique cultural perspective.  But that’s the great thing about Scripture.  With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word transcends cultures so that one day standing around heaven, there will people from all walks of life and languages praising God. 


The Verdict Is In

07 08 II Peter 2:4 Who are angels and why does Peter highlight them in verse 4?  In this message we take a general look at angels, the fall of some and their destiny.  Verse 4 specifically speaks about fallen angels who have been confined until the day of their judgment.  We take a closer look at this verse and discover the purpose for pointing out their judgment is to remind us that false teachers will receive the same verdict.


Beware of Pretenders

07 01 II Peter 2:1-3, 10b-12 Peter warns that just as there were false Prophets in Israel’s past who led them away from following God, so there will also be false teacher’s in the future of the church who will lead them astray from following God.  The path they lead followers down is destructive because they deny Christ.  Peter identifies five character traits of false teachers.  We would be wise to follow his guidance in order to discern false teachers. 


An Unimaginably Horrible End

06 24 II Peter 2:4 Do you believe in hell?  You should! Jesus had more to say about it than He did heaven.  Hell is a place of unimaginable horror.  It is a place that was reserved for the devil and those angels that followed him in rebellion against God.  But because of man’s own rebellion it will be their destiny as well.  The hope we have, the help we have to avoid this eternal destiny of utter torment is through faith in Jesus Christ.  If you have the Son, you have life; if you don’t have the Son you don’t have life.  It’s as simple as that.  It’s your choice.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.


Lighting Up Our World

06 17 II Peter 1:19-21 Early in His ministry, Jesus gave us the command to light up our world when He said “You are the light of the world.”  We are to reflect His character and commitment to proclaim the gospel in dark places.  Our purpose is to stand out, don’t hide the fact of our faith, let it be visible. Our potential is to stand up, speak openly and unashamedly by being involved in the community.  Then we see our power by staying connected to Christ.  How will you light up your world with the gospel?


God’s Word is Inspired

06 10 II Peter 1:21 The Bible says that it is inspired by God.  How is that different than say an artist inspired to paint, or a musician inspired to create a classical masterpiece?  The difference is seen in that God is the one who inspired Scripture.  From our passage we note a number of objections to full inspiration.  Then we find the origin of inspiration.  Finally we not the objective of inspiration.  There is a purpose and a plan.  The inspired Word not only tells us what we need to know what we are to do with we know.  God’s inspired Word is both powerful and profitable.


God’s Revelation

06 03 II Peter 1:20 God has revealed Himself to us through His Word.  Through it He transforms people and cultures.  Man is not to interpret Scripture to advance his own personal preferences or to fit with changing cultural norms.  God’s revelation is unchanging.  It is given to help us know God and how to have a relationship with Him.