
Promises to Stand On

03 11 II Peter 1:4 How often do you keep your word?  How many promises would you say you have kept or broken?  God has a 100% record in keeping promises.  He will keep His word.  Our verse today assures us that His promises are very great and precious.  This message looks at the guarantee, the greatness and the goal of God’s promises.  Every promise will come to pass.

(We apologize, there is no audio for today’s message.)


All We Need

03 04 II Peter 1:3 Our verse tells us that God has given us EVERYTHING we need for “life and godliness”.  Life refers to salvation.  We read in Philippians 1:6 that what God began (spiritual life at salvation) He will continue to maturity until Christ comes back.  God won’t begin something He can’t finish.  He is the source and what He has given to us is superior to any other way we might think can develop spiritual life and godliness.


It’s More Than a Greeting

02 25 II Peter 1:2 Peter’s opening verses are more than a greeting.  They are words to encourage through difficult times by experiencing the grace and peace that are ours through knowing God.  We see the abundance of grace and peace, the availability of grace and peace and the application of grace and peace.  These come through knowing God personally, persistently and practically.


By Way of Introduction

02 18 II Peter 1:1 Peter begins his letter with a personal introduction.  By using just two terms he tells us quite a bit about himself.  He first describes that he is a servant.  Through lots of events in his life Peter had come to a point of humility identifying himself as a person wholly committed to Jesus Christ.  He was completely committed to doing God’s will over his own.  He also spoke of the authority by which He was able to write to them.  He was an apostle.  Those he is writing to shared a common faith, a faith that was no different or no better than anyone else’s faith.  Their faith and righteousness hinged on Christ.  We share that common faith and like Peter the question is whether or not we share a common attitude of being a servant.


A Rocky Road

Have you ever considered that life is essentially comprised of three types of rocks, just as in nature?  There is the rock of a stony heart, there is the rock of a surrendered heart, and there is the rock of a sinless heart.  Listen and figure out where you are on this journey we call life.


Final Instructions

02 04 II Peter Overview Last letters provide insight into the heart and mind of people who know that they have little time left in this life.  Peter has given to us a last letter.  He knows that his time on this earth is drawing to a close, though he doesn’t know when.  His last letter serves as a source of encouragement to continue growing in the faith by knowing God in order to identify and stand strong against false teachers and to be encouraged and prepared for the new heaven and earth.  It will serve well to delve into this book with 1:3-4 as its thesis; 3:18 as its goal and 3:11-13 as its challenge.  Where other last letters are bleak, this one is filled with hope and encouragement.


Survival Skills for the Christian

01 28 I Peter Review In this message we close out looking at I Peter 1:15-16 as the “base camp” for the book.  In every life situation there is a call to holy living.  This is the challenge for the Christian until Christ returns – we are to be holy because He is holy.



01 21 I Peter 5:12-14 Finally Peter gives some final closing remarks to believers encouraging them to stand strong.  He has a faithful brother.  He leaves a final briefing with a farewell blessing.  The final word is one of peace in Christ.  Do you have His peace?


Amazing God – Amazing Grace

01 14 I Peter 5:10-11 Peter closes out this letter with some final words of encouragement.  God’s amazing grace is sufficient for all our times of suffering.  What ever you are going through, whenever you are going through it, His grace will keep you.  All that’s happening is only temporary, it won’t last, but we know that the glory to come that is ours through Christ will be eternal – and there will be no more suffering.


Stand Firm

01 07 I Peter 5:8-9 Peter’s admonition in these verses is to stand firm against the devil who is out to destroy.  We are told to resist him, being encouraged that other Christians are experiencing the same kind of persecution at his hands as we are.

(We apologize, there is no audio for this message.)