
Trust or Trauma

12 31 I Peter 5:7 What do you worry about?  Our passage exhorts us to cast every anxiety we have onto the Lord because He cares for us.  What a great promise!  But the casting really begins in the previous verse where we are told to humble ourselves before God’s mighty hand.  We cannot cast until and only after we have humbled ourselves.  Then give them all to the Lord remembering that He cares about you.


Christmas Really Is A Big Deal

12 24 17 Matthew 1:21-23 Christmas really is a big deal when you consider the proclamation and the prophecy, but most significantly the promise that came with – “He will save His people from their sins.”  Looming in the shadow of the cradle is the cross, the implement by which that salvation would be possible.  God stepped into time to live among, born humbly to serve and to save.  There is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved, the name Jesus.


What Are the Odds?

12 17 17 Luke 2:8-20 What are the odds that one man would be able to meet just one prophecy?  What are the odds that one man would meet just 8 Old Testament prophecies?  Using the mathematical discipline of probability, Dr. Stoner calculates that it would be 10to the 157 power or 1 followed by 157 0s.  Yet Christ in coming fulfilled not just 8 prophecies but 456 as Alfred Edersheim proposes.  He is the babe wrapped in strips of cloth born in a stable of whom the angels proclaimed in order to save people from their sin.  How unfortunate that most of whom the shepherds told about the birth of Messiah were preoccupied with other things.  This Christmas will you respond like the shepherds with willing and receptive hearts or like others, too busy to hear and respond?


There is no I in Humble

12 10 I Peter 5:5-6 Humility is serving others, putting them first.  It begins with being humble before God.  Peter gives an admonition to young men (and really to all) to submit to the leaders of the church.  In their wisdom they will help guide the church through difficult times.  God’s grace is extended to the humble and He will exalt them in His time.  Patience then is a component of humility.  Let Him lead and guide you.


A Shepherd’s Compass

12 03 I Peter 5:1-4 A compass helps provide direction as you set course for some predetermined destination.  Peter provides a compass heading for elders to help their respective churches undergoing persecution to navigate through the challenges.  An elder has a lot of responsibility to shoulder the many cares of his congregation.  He must do so willingly, eagerly setting a godly example to follow.  This is not only an assessment for elders today on how they are doing, but serves as a guide for churches to be praying for their elders.


Our Hallelujah Chorus

11 26 Psalm 145:1-21 Thinking back over this past year, for what are you giving God thanks and praise?  In this Psalm written be David, he unwraps four things he is thankful for.  Read through the Psalm and see if you can resonate with him the same thanksgiving.  In this Psalm David gives praise for God’s greatness, grace, goodness, and glory.  David’s praise was both personal and perpetual as ours should be.

(We apologize that there is no audio of the message.)


Persecution Has A Path

11 19 I Peter 4:12-19 Peter’s words at first don’t seem to be very comforting or encouraging.  Expect persecution.  There will be judgment.  Taking a closer look at these final remarks on persecution they are affirming.  Affirming in the sense that persecution is a tell-tale sign you belong to Christ.  Jesus said if He was persecuted for doing good then His followers should expect it as well.  But persecution isn’t about judgment, it’s about refining us into His image.  While persecution is painful, Peter stresses that we are to respond in praise because it has a purpose.  Continue to trust the One who is always faithful and in spite of what you may be suffering, continue to do good. We may not know the why, but we know the Who and He will never leave or forsake you but journey with you through your persecution.


A Call to Act – For God’s Glory

11 12 I Peter 4:10-11 In the middle of a text on persecution Peter encourages believers to exercise their spiritual gift for the benefit of each other and for the glory of God.  Some questions arise then.  Do you know what your spiritual gift is and if so are you using it?  If you know what your spiritual gift and aren’t using it, why not?  The body of Christ is weakened when you are inactive with your gift and God is not receiving glory from its use.  If you don’t know what your spiritual gift is ask God who wants you to know it so others can be blessed and He can be glorified.  Start acting on it today.


The Tie That Binds

11 05 I Peter 4:7-9 Times of difficulty like persecution can be times of chaos and panic.  They can be times of hand wringing and confusion.  Peter provides some advice for Christians to counteract those feelings.  In these verses persecution is a call to urgent preparation, earnest prayer and specific practices.  In such times we should put aside petty issues with other Christians and demonstrate deep love that looks past those grievances.  Additionally there should be cheerful hospitality.  During such difficult times, Christians need each other for comfort and encouragement.


To Arms

10 29 I Peter 4:1-6 To prepare us for times of persecution, Peter gives five important pieces of armor to put on or arm ourselves with so that we can endure.  We are to learn from Christ’s attitude, live for God’s will, leave our past life, lay aside vengeance, and latch hold of our victory.  The foundation is the first, to have the attitude of Christ.  Whatever suffering may come our way these will help us stand strong.