
Looking for Jesus

John 12.20-36 – Have you ever met anyone famous?  Did it just happen or did you seek them out?  Among the throng of people gathered in Jerusalem for the Passovere celebration were a group we often overlook in the story of the triumphal entry.  Journey back to this passage and find out others who wanted to see Jesus.  Is it your desire to meet Him too?


Two Cities With a Tale

Acts 17.1-15 – Paul’s approach to ministry in Thessalonica and Berea is revealed in four steps.  Comparing yourself to the response he received in both cities, which are you most like?



Getting Over the Blues

Acts 16.16-40 – What genre of music do you most enjoy?  Classical?  Pop?  Rap?  Rock n Roll?  Big Band?  Jazz?  Gospel?  Country Western?  The missionaries we have been following could have just as easily enjoyed a daily dose of the Blues, but instead they chose to sing praise.  With the enabling, empowering work of the Holy Spirit in you, you too can get over the blues.



European Destination

Acts 16.11-15 – It is the dawning of a new day and the foothold of the gospel in Europe as the missionary team meet with prayer group to share the good news of Christ.  This new church would have fond memories for the Apostle.  As Jesus followers they immediately obeyed, investigated options and interested others in the gospel.  How about you?



Where There’s a Will There’s a Way II

Acts 16.6-10 – Scripture reveals some sound principles in helping understand God’s will.  He has a sovereign will, a moral will and an individual will.  The question for us is whether or not we are willing to obey.  Paul and his companions were.



Where There’s a Will There’s a Way

Acts 16.6-10 – Have you ever wondered about God’s will?  The missionary team of Paul, Silas and Timothy had to trust God to lead them when doors of spreading the gospel closed.  Three important passages help in discovering God’s will.



Keeping Your Reputation Intact in a Dangerous World

Acts 16.1-5 – What kind of reputation do you have?  Does it matter what other people think of you, how they see you?  It should.  Timothy was recommended for service because he had a good reputation.  Check out some things that can help you maintain a good reputation with others.



Imagine That

Acts 15.36-41 – I think it was Gomer Pyle who said “well don’t that beat all?”  This passages leaves us scratching our heads after two seemingly inseperable godly missionaries have a disagreement that leaves the team divided.  How can we handle disagreement when they come our way?



The Great Debate

Acts 15.1-35 – Over the history of the church, she has been asked to take a biblical stand on any number of important doctrinal and cultural issues.  None perhaps is as important as the issue addressed by the church leadership in Jerusalem.  The question continues to draw considerable debate even today, yet the decision given by the counsel in Acts 15 provides a solid doctrinal base on which to conclude that salvation comes through the grace of God alone.  The message for us today is not only that we should proclaim this eternal truth, but also that we should defend it as well.



Time Out

Acts 14.21-28 – Do you have any unfinished tasks around the house or perhaps at the office?  Paul and Barnabas provide an excellent example of individuals who completed the work given to them by the Lord.  On their return journey to the sending church they revisit the churches that had been established.  Follow along and see what four words they had for them.