
Getting Into the Spirit of Things

Scholars contend that James 4:5 is one of the most difficult passages to interpret. What “Scriptures” is he referring to? Is it the quote in the next passage? Is it a general principle taught in the Old Testament? Is it some unrecorded saying of Jesus? Is it two sentences or one? Is the reference to the “spirit” referring to man’s spirit given to him at creation or is it the Holy Spirit? James is calling his audience back to a personal relationship with God one that is faithful rather than committing spiritual adultery. If it is man’s spirit, the author wants us to give up a love for the world and all it offers to love God alone. If it is the Holy Spirit, the author sees the jealous nature of God calling us back to worship and love God alone. Whether it is man’s spirit or God’s Spirit, it is a call to consider our affections and make sure they are God centered. In the message we see that Scripture teaches us and that the Spirit transforms us. Both move us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.