
The Discipline of Abiding

Why is it that prayer seems to go unanswered? Jesus gives us some guidelines for prayer to be answered. There are two conditions. The first is that we must abide (remain, live in) Christ. The second is that His Word must abide (remain, live in) us. We need to let it permeate our being and then obey it. We may read the Word of God. We may even know the Word of God, but if we do not live it out, let it control us, then prayer won’t be answered. There are other conditions for answered prayer like not living in sin, husbands treating wives with the respect that is due them, praying in Jesus’ name, and even praying according to the will of God as some conditions for answered prayer. Jesus says that when we abide in Christ and His Word abides in us we ask what we will and it will be done. He answers according to His person, because of who He is. He answers according to His power. He answers according to His promise. Is Christ abiding in you? Is His Word abiding in you?